Lean in: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead

《女企业家LEAN IN的成功学和职场宝典》

Sheryl Sandberg

Sit at the Table

A few years ago, I hosted a meeting for Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner at Facebook. We invited fifteen executives from across Silicon Valley for breakfast and a discussion about the economy.

几年前,我在Facebook上主持了财政部长蒂姆•盖特纳 的会议。我们邀请了硅谷各地的15位高管共进早餐,并 就经济问题进行了讨论。

Secretary Geithner arrived with four members of his staff, two senior and two more junior, and we all gathered in our one nice conference room. After the usual milling around, I encouraged the attendees to help themselves to the buffet and take a seat. Our invited guests, mostly men, grabbed plates and food and sat down at the large conference table. Secretary Geithner’s team, all women, took their food last and sat in chairs off to the side of room. I motioned for the women to come sit at the table, waving them over so they would feel welcomed. They demurred and remained in their seats. The four women had every right to be at this meeting, but because of their seating choice, they seemed like spectators rather than participants. I knew I had to say something. So, after the meeting, I pulled them aside to talk. I pointed out that they should have sat at the table even without an invitation, but when publicly welcomed, they most certainly should have joined.

盖特纳部长和他的四名工作人员一起来了,其中两名是高 级职员,另外两名是低级职员。在我像往常一样四处乱转 之后,我让参会者拿取自助餐并坐下来。我们邀请的客人 大多是男性,他们拿着盘子和食物,在大会议桌旁坐下。 盖特纳国务卿的团队都是女性,她们最后端上食物,坐到 了角落的椅子上。我示意让女士们坐在桌旁,挥手示意她 们过来,让她们感到欢迎。她们提出异议,并留在了原本 的座位上。这四名女士有权参加这次会议,但由于座位的 方式,她们看起来像是观众,而不是参与者。我知道我必 须说些什么。因此,在会议结束后,我把她们拉到一边聊 天。我指出,即使没有邀请,她们也应该坐在桌旁,尤其 受到公众邀请时,她们更应该加入。

At first, they seemed surprised, then they agreed. It was a watershed moment for me. A moment when I witnessed how an internal barrier can alter women’s behavior. A moment when I realized that in addition to facing institutional obstacles, women face a battle from within. When I gave a TEDTalk on how women can succeed in the workforce, I told this story to illustrate how women hold themselves back, literally choosing to watch from the side-lines. And yet as disappointed as I was that these women made that choice, I also deeply understood the insecurities that drew them to the side of the room and kept them glued to those chairs.

起初,她们似乎很惊讶,然后她们认同了。对我来说,这 是一个转折点。我亲眼目睹了内在的障碍是如何改变女性 行为的。那一刻我意识到,除了面临体制上的障碍,女性 还面临着来自内部的斗争。当我在TED上做一个关于女性 如何在职场取得成功的演讲时,我讲了这个故事来说明女 性是如何退缩的,从字面上来说,就是选择从侧面观察。 然而,尽管我为这些女性做出了这样的选择感到失望,但 我也深深体会到,正是因为这种不安全感把她们拉到了房 间的一边,让她们粘在了椅子上。

My senior year of college, I was inducted into the Phi Beta Kappa honor society. At that time, Harvard and Radcliffe had separate chapters, so my ceremony was for women only. The keynote speaker, Dr. Peggy McIntosh from the Wellesley Centers for Women, gave a talk called “Feeling Like a Fraud.”‘ She explained that many people, but especially women, feel fraudulent when they are praised for their accomplishments. Instead of feeling worthy of recognition, they feel undeserving and guilty, as if a mistake has been made. Despite being high achievers, even experts in their fields, women can’t seem to shake the sense that it is only a matter of time until they are found out for who they really are—impostors with limited skills or abilities.

大学四年级时,我被选入美国优等生荣誉学会。那时候, 哈佛和拉德克利夫有不同的典礼,所以我的毕业典礼只对 女生开放。主题演讲的主讲人是来自韦尔斯利妇女中心的 佩吉•麦金托什博士,她做了一个名为“感觉像个骗局” 的演讲。她解释说,很多人,尤其是女性,在被表扬成就 的时候,会觉得被欺骗。所谓的认可让她们感到愧疚,好 像她们是犯了一个错误。而这些人往往是女人。尽管这些 女人取得了很高的成就,甚至是她们所在领域的专家,可 她们似乎并不能摆脱这样的想法,她们会觉得自己技能或 能力有限,对她们的认可都像是欺骗,总有一天会被发现 的。

I thought it was the best speech I had ever heard. I was leaning forward in my chair, nodding vigorously. Carrie Weber, my brilliant and totally-not-a-fraud roommate, was doing the same. At last, someone was articulating exactly how I felt. Every time I was called on in class, I was sure that I was about to embarrass myself. Every time I took a test, I was sure that it had gone badly. And every time I didn’t embarrass myself—or even excelled—I believed that I had fooled everyone yet again. One day soon, the jig would be up.

我认为这是我听过的最好的演讲。我在椅子上向前倾着 身子,使劲地点着头。我聪明的室友卡丽•韦伯(Carrie Weber)也在做同样的事情。最后,终于有人确切地表达 了我的感受。每次我在课堂上被叫到发言时,我都觉得自 己要出丑了。每次考试,我都确信考得不好。然而每当我 没有让自己感到尴尬,甚至表现出色时,我都相信我再一 次欺骗了所有人。很快有一天,事情就会水落石出。

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Treasury Secretary =财政部长

The current Secretary of the Treasury is 现任财政部长是史蒂文。

The former Treasury secretary has led the nation,s oldest and richest university for five years. 前财政部长花了 5年时间领导了美国最古老和最富有的大学。

  1. Mill around =兜圈子,不耐烦地走

There were a lot of people milling around the entrance.


Once again, the meet ing was a waste of time, everyone was just milling around.


  1. Help them/yourselves =请自便


Help yourself to whatever you want.


Can I borrow a pencil?—Yes, help yourself. 我可以借铅笔吗?


  1. Demurred =反对某事

They demurred at working on Sundays. 他们对周日的工作表示建议。

The majority were in favour of the plan,but a few demurred.


  1. Pulled (them) aside (to talk)拉(他们)在一边(说话)= 通常是为了私下讨论

I pulled the nurse aside so that I could ask a few more questions about my dad’s surgery.

我把护士拉到一边,这样我就可以再问一些有关我父亲手术的 问题。

My basketbal1 coach pulled me aside to discuss about my disappointing performance during the game. 我的篮球教练把我拉到一边,来讨论我在比赛中令人失望的表现。

  1. Watershed moment =指的是一个转折点

This is why we are at a watershed moment, and we must make the most of it.


The outcome will be seen as a watershed moment in the intersection of sports and civil rights.


  1. Fraudulent =期诈

A worrying trend for insurers has been a rise in fraudulent claims.


He only got the new job by fraudulent means. 他只是因为欺诈的手段获得了新工作。

  1. Undeserving =不该得到,不配得到

Sometimes I feel unworthy or undeserving of the compliment.


Given Sam’ s  lack of practice and effort, his victory seems a little underserving.


  1. A matter of time =时间问题

You should tell him the truth; it will only be a matter of time before he finds out.


If we don’ t act now, it is only a matter of time that the Earth will be destroyed.


  1. Impostors =冒名顶替者

They consider him to be nothing but an imposter. 我们认为他不过就是一个冒名顶替者。

I can’ t believe I ever trusted him, he was an imposter!


Reading club–Start with the why


Simon Sinek

There are leaders and there are those who lead.


With only 6 percent market share in the United States and about 3 percent worldwide, Apple is not a leading manufacturer of home computers. Yet the company leads the computer industry and is now a leader in other industries as well.

苹果在美国仅占6{ba86a898e1a568e005973d7259e8f4e7dacbc57cdedd66933716059b26d673dc}的市场份额,在全球约占3{ba86a898e1a568e005973d7259e8f4e7dacbc57cdedd66933716059b26d673dc}的市场 份额,并不是家用计算机的领先制造商。然而,该公司在 计算机行业处于领先地位,现在在其他行业也处于领先地 位。

Martin Luther King’s experiences were not unique, yet he inspired a nation to change. The Wright brothers were not the strongest contenders in the race to take the first manned, powered flight, but they led us into a new era of aviation and, in doing so, completely changed the world we live in. Their goals were not different than anyone else’s, and their systems and processes were easily replicated. Yet the Wright brothers, Apple and Martin Luther King stand out among their peers. They stand apart from the norm and their impact is not easily copied. They are members of a very select group of leaders who do something very, very special. They inspire us. Just about every person or organization needs to motivate others to act for some reason or another. Some want to motivate a purchase decision.

马丁 •路德•金的经历并非独一无二,但他激励了一个国 家去改变。莱特兄弟并不是参加有人驾驶的动力飞行比赛 中最强大的竞争者,但他们带领我们进入了航空的新时代, 并在此过程中彻底改变了我们生活的世界。他们的目标与 其他任何人没有不同,他们的系统和流程很容易被复制。 然而,莱特兄弟,苹果公司和马丁 •路德•金却在同行中 脱颖而出。

Others are looking for support or a vote. Still others are keen to motivate the people around them to work harder or smarter or just follow the rules. The ability to motivate people is not, in itself, difficult. It is usually tied to some external factor. Tempting incentives or the threat of punishment will often elicit the behavior we desire. General Motors, for example, so successfully motivated people to buy their products that they sold more cars than any other automaker in the world for over seventy-seven years. Though they were leaders in their industry, they did not lead.

他们与众不同,其影响不容易被复制。他们是非常优秀的 领导者中的一员,他们做着非常特别的事情。他们激励着 我们。几乎每个人或组织都需要激励他人以这样或那样的 理由去行动。有些人想激励购买决策。其他人则在寻求支 持或投票。还有一些人热衷于激励身边的人更努力或更聪 明地工作,或只是遵守规则。激励人们的能力本身并不困 难。它通常与某些外部因素有关。诱人的条件或惩罚的威 胁通常会促使我们成为想要的样子。以通用汽车公司为例, 它成功地激发了人们购买其产品的兴趣,在七十七年的时 间里,他们的汽车销量比世界上任何其它汽车制造商都多。 虽然他们是这个行业的领导者,但他们并没有真正的领导。

Great leaders, in contrast, are able to inspire people to act. Those who are able to inspire give people a sense of purpose or belonging that has little to do with any external incentive or benefit to be gained. Those who truly lead are able to create a following of people who act not because they were swayed, but because they were inspired. For those who are inspired, the motivation to act is deeply personal. They are less likely to be swayed by incentives. Those who are inspired are willing to pay a premium or endure inconvenience, even personal suffering. Those who are able to inspire will create a following of people— supporters, voters, customers, workers—who act for the good of the whole not because they have to, but because they want to.

相比之下,伟大的领导者能够激励人们行动。那些能够激 发灵感的人会给人们一种目标感或归属感,与任何外部动 机或所获得的利益无关。那些真正的领导者能够建立一个 追随者,他们的行为不是因为他们受到影响,而是因为他 们受到了启发。对于那些受到启发的人,行动的动机是非 常个人化的,他们不太可能被激励所左右。那些受到鼓舞 的人愿意付出额外的代价或忍受不便,甚至是个人的痛苦。 那些能够激发灵感的人会造就一群支持者一一选民,顾客, 员工一一他们为整体利益而行动,不是因为他们必须这样 做,而是因为他们想要这样做。

Though relatively few in number, the organizations and leaders with the natural ability to inspire us come in all shapes and sizes. They can be found in both the public and private sectors. They are in all sorts of industries— selling to consumers or to other businesses. Regardless of where they exist, they all have a disproportionate amount of influence in their industries. They have the most loyal customers and the most loyal employees. They tend to be more profitable than others in their industry. They are more innovative, and most importantly, they are able to sustain all these things over the long term, many of them change industries. Some of them even change the world.

虽然数量相对较少,但具有激励我们自然能力的组织和领 导形式和规模各不相同。在公共部门和私营部门都可以找 到他们。他们从事各种行业一一向消费者或其他企业销售。 无论它们存在于何处,它们都在各自的行业中有着不成比 例的影响力。他们拥有最忠诚的客户和最忠诚的员工。他 们往往比同行业中的其他人更赚钱。他们更具创新性,最 重要的是,他们能够长期维持这些条件。这些人改变了许 多行业,有些人甚至改变了世界。

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1.Contenders^ 竞争者

Philip is one of the top contenders for the Olympic 400m swim race.


In the current election, Rachel is leading the other contenders in polls.


  1. New era of (aviation)=(航空)新时代 形容革新/进化

With the explosion of social media, we are in a new era of information.


The birth of their first child marked the beginning of a new era in their married life.


  1. Replicated =复制/重复获得

My mother has often told me that I shouldn’ t aim to replicate someone else’ s success – I need to be the success of my own story.

我的母亲经常告诉我,我不应该复制别人的成功一一我需要创 造自己成功的故事。

Scientists are trying to replicate the DNA of certain animals.


  1. Peer Among their peers



Don’ t ever do anything that you don’t want to just because of peer pressure 不要因为同伴给你的压力而做任何你不想做的事。

she peered inquiringly at me. 她好奇地凝视着我。

  1. Follow the rules =遵守规则

If you follow the rules carefully, then you can get this done in no time!


We don’ t need people who follow the rules, we need people with daring personalities.


A sense of purpose =有目标感/有意义/目的感

We need a leader who shows competence and a sense of purpose.


I often find my sense of purpose when I am educating young people.


  1. Swayed =摇晃,势力(在某人/某事物影响下)

The dancers naturally swayed to the music. 舞者们自然地对音乐摇摆起来。

He was very persuasive in the board room and he managed to sway everyone’ s mind.


  1. Come in all shapes and sizes =各种形状和尺寸

The candles come in all shapes and sizes, I am sure one of them would fit your needs.


Colleges and universities come in all shapes and sizes.


  1. Regardless =不顾一切/不理会/无论

He says what he thinks,regardless of other  people’s feelings.


Everyone is welcome, regardless of your social background.


  1. Most importantly =最重要的是

Most importantly, you must keep a record of everything you do.


Most importantly, it gives you both a chance to test whether the relationship could and will work long term.

最重要的是,它可以你俩都有机会测试这种关系是否能够长期持 续下去。

Film review-Dimension 404

In the darkest depths of cyberspace, there is another world. A lost dimension, home to wonders unseen, terrors unspeakable, and stories unlike any ever told. Dimension 404 is a science fiction anthology that explores the wonders–and terrors–of our digital age. From outrageous horror comedy to mind-bending action adventure, each episode tells a weird and wild sci-fi tale where the twist ending… is just the beginning.
It’s something different from BLACK MIRROR or OUTER LIMITS,which are my favorite horror future telling sci type movies. It has a rather lighter tone  other than the latter. If you take a close look at it,you will find a very cozy atmosphere,especially when looking into the U.S Defense ministry man-made brain and the cloned customized boyfriend. It tells us  good stories and I really enjoyed  it.

G4-A World of Change








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Word Bank:

1.alter: 变更、改动

Diet and exercise will alter your shape.节食喝锻炼会改变你的体型。

Sophistry cannot alter history.诡辩改变不了历史。


collapse of the building 建筑物倒塌

The exhausted workers nearly collapse in the street. 筋疲力尽的工作人员差点在街上昏倒了。

3.substantial(adj) 大量的、实质的

There is no substantial evidence.没有实质性的证据。

I have substantial savings.我有巨额储蓄。


Don’t hazard your reputation for supporting that crook.不要因为支持那个坏蛋而冒险毁了你的名声

hazard to health.对健康的危害


Pride was her destruction. 骄傲是她毁灭的根源。

environmental destruction 环境破坏


The economic crisis made people hopeless.经济危机使人们绝望。


The country suffered severe food shortages in wartime. 这个国家在战时食物严重短缺。


Britain’s weather has been unpredictable.英国的天气一向变换莫测。


G3-Room to grow



































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Housing price tumble. 房价暴跌

The tumble hurt him badly.这一跤把他跌的很疼。

2. be scared to do sth害怕做某事


Don’t scare the children. 不要吓孩子们

You did give me a scare.你真吓了我一跳。


I admire him for his persistent courage. 我佩服他坚韧不拔的勇气

I admire his aggressive attitude.我赞赏他积极进取的态度

4. contribute (v)捐献、投稿、促成

Don’t contribute after the closing date.截至日期之后请勿投稿。

This new discovery will contribute to all humanity.这个新发现将对人类做出贡献。


The Art of War for Executives


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Donald G. Krause

Sun Tzu said: War is the most important aspect in the survival of the nation. It is the way of existence and non-existence. It cannot be studied too much.

孙子说:“战争是民族生存最重要的方面。”它是存在与 不存在的方式。对它的研究再多也不过分。

Therefore, we estimate using five principles and calculate our strategies. Then, we judge our course of action. Of the five principles, the first is called Tao (way): the second is called Tien (heaven): the third is cal led Dee (earth) : the fourth is called Gian (leadership); and the fifth is called Far (law).

因此,我们使用五项原则进行预估并计算我们的策略。然 后,判断我们的行动方针。在这五个原则中,第一个称为 道;第二个叫天;第三个叫地;第四个叫做领导;第 五个叫做法。

Conquerors estimate in their temple before the war begins, they consider everything. The defeated also estimate before the war, but they do not consider everything. Estimating completely creates victory. Estimating incompletely causes failures. When we look at it from this point of view, it is obvious who will win the war.

征服者在战争开始之前会在在他们的殿堂预估,他们会考 虑一切。被打败的人也会在战前预估,但他们不会考虑一 切。预估完全会决定胜负,预估不完全会导致失败。从这 个角度来看,很明显知道谁会赢得战争。

Competition is a matter of vital importance to the executive. Competition determines who advances and who retreats, who succeeds and who fails, who profits and who loses, who lives and who dies. The only true battlefield of business is the mind of your constituents. Every executive has constituents who must be served一those people you serve directly, for instance, your superiors and personal clients, and those people you serve indirectly through your organization’ s products and services. The cumulative impact of competitive actions enhances or deteriorates your power and influence. It is essential that your competitive actions be carefully planned and properly executed.

竞争对执行官来说是至关重要的。竞争决定谁前进谁后退, 谁成功谁失败,谁受益谁失败,谁生存谁死亡。商场上真 正的战争就是你服务人民的思想。每位高管都有需要服务 的人一他们是你直接服务的人。例如你的上级和你的个人 客户,以及你通过你们公司的产品而间接服务的客户。竞争行为的累积影响会增强或削弱你的力量和影响力。所以, 你必须认真计划和正确执行竞争思维。

Appraise your plans for competition using five basic factors. Assess yourself and compare your competitors to determine the best course. Consider everything.

用五个基本因素来评估你的竞争计划。评估你自己和比较 你的竞争对手,以确定最好的路线。考虑一切。

The five factors are: character, climate, structure, leadership and information.


Character means the essential purpose一the spirit 一of an individual or organization. Character influences how your constituents feel about you and your products: character determines whether constituents believe they are in harmony with your goals and objectives. When constituents share your spirit, they will follow your lead. They will buy your products. They will help you achieve your goals.

品格是个人或组织的基本宗旨,就像灵魂一样,会影响你 的员工对你和产品的想法;品格决定员工是否相信他们与 你的目标一致。当员工认同你的精神,他们就会追随你。 他们会买你的产品。他们将帮助你实现你的目标。

Climate refers to the impact of general business conditions and political culture on the competitive situation. To be effective, competitive actions must be conducted in the appropriate climate.

气候是指总体商业条件和政治文化对竞争状况的影响。为 了有效,必须在适当的环境下釆取竞争性行动。

Structure is the way work is organized and managed. This i s separate from the way people are led. Considering structure includes evaluating how you or your organization are financed: how well you and your employees are trained: how you develop your skills and how your organization develops its product s and services: how well you and your organization employ technology and human resources: how flexible or inflexible, responsive or unresponsive, effective or ineffective, are your policies and procedures. Structure determines the basic capabilities of an individual or an organization. Structure also includes fashion, technology, labor and materials, barriers to entry, key personnel, financial structure, and other external factors related to your performance in the marketplace. The interaction of these factors determines how easy or difficult it is to enter and dominate a market.

结构是工作的组织和管理方式。这与领导方式是分开的。 考虑结构包括评估你或你的组织的财务状况;你和你的员 工的培训水平如何;你如何发展技能以及你的组织,如何 发展其产品和服务;你和你的组织如何利用技术和人力资 源;你的政策和程序的灵活性,响应性或不响应性,有效 或无效性。结构决定个人或组织的基本能力。结构还包括 时尚、技术、劳动力和材料、进入壁垒、关键人员、财务 结构和其他与市场表现相关的外部因素。这些因素的相互 作用决定了进入和控制一个市场的难易程度。


  1. Course of action =行动方案/做法

The wisest course of action is just to say nothing. 最明智的行动就是什么也不说。

I dont think theres anything to be gained from this course of action.


  1. Incompletely =不完整/未完成

Thousands o f people fail i n doing things incompletely, they stop when there is only one step to success


The causes of the incident are still incompletely understood.


  1. Point of view =称述自己的观点

From our point of view, we do not see how these changes will be beneficial to the company.


From a financial point of view the project was a di saster


  1. Obvious =明显/显然可见

Why? Isnt it obvious? First, you impose way too much on me, and I’m tired of it. Second, you stood me up on Valentine ‘ s Day.

为什么?这不是很明显吗?首先,你对我强加了太多,我对 此感到厌倦。第二,在情人节那天,你竟然没有出现。

She persevered in her idea despite obvious objections raised by friends.

尽管朋友提出了明显反对意见,但她坚持不懈的跟着自己的想 法走。

  1. Vital importance =至关重要

Reading is of vital importance in language learning. 阅读对语言学习至关重要。

But what seems insignificant in our eyes is often of vital importance in the eyes of a child. 在我们眼中看来微不足道的东西在儿童眼中通常至关重要。

  1. Your superiors =你的上司/更优秀的人

This mistake could make your superiors hesitate to trust you with major responsibilities.


Who do you think you are? You are superior to me? 你以为你是谁?你比我优秀吗?

  1. Cumulative impact/effect =累积影响

A lack of sleep will have cumulative effects on your health.


One small change in your attitude can have a cumulative effect on your approach to life.


  1. Deteriorates =恶化 / 变坏

If you don’ t start cooperating with the doctors, your health will deteriorates rapidly.


The trade war will send the economy to deteriorate further.


  1. In harmony with =与某事某物和谐/协调

I think Simon and I will just get on fine – his taste in wine are in harmony with mine.

我认为Simon和我会好起来的-他在葡萄酒中的口味与我是协 调的。

You need to pick skin care that are in harmony with your skin type.


  1. Inflexible =不可弯曲(物),不可协调(事儿)

I finally went to a Yoga class, as expected, I am way too inflexible.


It is so hard to be a working-mum, the hours are just very inflexible.


G4-A Talent Show











sound track:http://链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1M9V7Ce1rYCvSg6m_m6WyYg 提取码:rvzw


1.juggle:(v) (n)玩杂耍,欺骗

Don’t juggle with the accounts.不要在账目上做手脚。

Don’t juggle with your Dad.不要欺骗你爸爸。


I try my best to grip the present happiness.我努力抓住当下的幸福。

a  good grip on French history 对法国历史掌握的很好

3.bulletin board 布告栏

4.desperately (ad) 绝望的

I tried desperately to save him. 我不顾一切地要救他。


to give mutual support and inspiration 相互支持并鼓舞

I can’t write without inspiration.没有灵感我写不出东西


I was humiliated and mocked because of my look.我因外表而被羞辱和嘲笑。

7.be respectful of  尊重

8. be accountable for   对….负责

Every person is accountable for his own work. 每个人都要对自己的工作负责。


lack of self-esteem 缺乏自尊心


G4-The dragon problem

sound track: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1f1bZVnr7RkpStHBvMq7xMA 提取码: 2i3j

http://pan.baidu.com/s/1NYLQNq6GyPcKloTTEoeKog 提取码: jy18


1.ripple:(v)(n) 使成波浪状,起涟漪

a ripple of laughter 一阵阵笑声

The lake ripples gently.湖面轻轻地泛起涟漪。

2. swoop down : 向下猛扑


The plane made a swoop over the city.那架飞机突然向这座城市猛降下来。

The eagle swoop on the prey.鹰猛扑向猎物。

Police made a down swoop.警方于拂晓时发动了突袭。

3. procession: (n)(v) 行列、队伍、排队前进

The troops walked in procession through the street. 军队排成队伍走过街道。

The guests procession down to the dining-room.客人排队进入餐厅。

4.choke:  (n)(v) 窒息、阻塞

Leaves choke the drain.树叶把排水管塞住了。

The strong smell makes me choke.浓烈的气味让我窒息。

5.brainstorm (n)(v) 脑力激荡、集思广益

We can brainstorm the solution.我们可以集思广益讨论解决的方法。

She got a brainstorm.她灵机一动。

6.frantically :(ad) 疯狂的、狂热的

She clutched frantically at my arm.她疯狂地紧紧抓住我的胳膊

7.glare (v)(n)怒目而视,刺眼

Don’t glare at me like that. 不要那么瞪着我。

The glare of the headlights blinded me. 车灯刺眼的光找的我啥都看不见。

The Outsider: Eight unconventional CEOs and their Radically Rational Blueprint for success

The Outsider: Eight unconventional CEOs and their Radically Rational Blueprint for success 《非典型经营者的成果法则:8个企业成功翻转的案例》

William Thorndike

sound track: https://pan.baidu.com/s/15W-AIB1fpKA0v2LwwFEf4Q 提取码: qca4

When I stepped out into the bright sunlight from the darkness of the movie house, I had only two things on my mind: Paul Newman and a ride home, I was wishing I looked like Paul Newman —he looks tough and I don’t — but I guess my own looks aren’t so bad. I have light-brown, almost-red hair and greenish-gray eyes. I wish they were more gray, because I hate most guys that have green eyes, but I have to be content with what I have. My hair is longer than a lot of boys wear theirs, squared off in back and long at the front and sides, but I am a greaser and most of my neighbourhood rarely bothers to get a haircut. Besides. I look better with long hair.

当我从黑暗的电影院里走到明亮的阳光下时, 我只在想两件事:保罗•纽曼和乘车回家。我 希望自己看起来像保罗•纽曼一样一因为他 看起来很强壮,而我却不是这样的。但我想我自 己的外表应该还不那么糟糕。我有浅棕色,甚 至近乎是红色的头发和浅绿色的眼睛。但我希 望它们的颜色更灰一些,因为我讨厌大多数有 绿色眼睛的人,但是我必须对自己拥有的东西 有所满足。我的头发比很多男孩的头发都要长, 头发后面很平整,前面和侧面也都很长。但我是 一个比较看起来像“社会青年”的人,我身边 的人也很少去理发。再说了,长发的我看起来更 好。

I had a long walk home and no company, but I usually lone it anyway, for no reason except that I like to watch movies undisturbed so I can get into them and live them with the actors. When I see a movie with someone it’s kind of uncomfortable, like having someone read your book over your shoulder. I’m different that way. I mean, my second-oldest brother, Soda, who is sixteen-going-on-seventeen, never cracks a book at all, and my oldest brother, Darrel, who we call Darry, works too long and hard to be interested in a story or drawing a picture, so I’m not like them. And nobody in our gang digs movies and books the way I do. For a while there, I thought I was the only person in the world that did. So, I loned it.

我走了很长的路,没有人陪伴,但我通常都是独 自一人,尤其是我喜欢不受干扰地看电影,这样 我就可以进入角色的内心仿佛和他们一起生活。 当我和别人一起看电影时,会感到不舒服,就像 让某人在你肩膀上看你的书一样。我和其他人 不同。我的意思是,我那已经过了 16岁马上就 要17岁的哥哥Soda根本不会看书,而我的大 哥Darrel (我们称为Darry)工作太忙,很难对 书中的内容或者绘画感兴趣,所以我和他们不 同。而且我身边没有人像我那样去看电影和读 书。曾有一段时间,我以为我是世界上唯一能做 到这一点的人。因此,我一直一个人。

Soda tries to understand, at least, which is more than Darry does. But then, Soda is different from anybody; he understands everything, almost. Like he’s never hollering at me all the time the way Darry is, or treating me as if was six instead of fourteen. I love Soda more than I’ve ever loved anyone, even Mom and Dad. He’s always happy-go-lucky and grinning, While Darry’s hard and firm and rarely grins at all. But then, Darry’s gone through a lot in his twenty years, grown up too fast. Sodapop’ll never grow up at all. I don’t know which way is the best, I’ 11 find out one of these days.

Soda至少理解我,这比Darry做得要好。但是, Soda与众不同,他几乎了解一切。就像他从未 像Darry —样一直在嘲笑我,或者把我看成六 岁小孩对待,六岁而不是十四岁。我爱Soda的 程度超过了我曾经爱过的任何人,甚至爸爸 妈妈。他总是很开心很幸福,常咧开嘴笑,而 Darry却严肃又认真,很少笑嘻嘻。因为,Darry 在他二十年里经历了很多事情,成长的太快了。 Soda像永远不会长大一样。我不知道哪种方法 最好,我总有一天会知道的。

Anyway, I went on walking home, thinking about the movie, and then suddenly wishing I had some company. Greasers can’t walk alone too much or they’ll get jumped, or someone will come by and scream “Greaser!” at them, which doesn’t make you feel too hot, if you know what I mean. We get jumped by the Socs. I’m not sure how you spell it, but it’s the abbreviation for the Socials, the jet set, the West-side rich kids. It’s like the term “greaser,” which is used to class all us boys on the East Side.

不管怎样,我继续走回家,想着电影,却突然希 望能有一些陪伴。社会青年不能独自行走太长 时间,否则他们会把人吓到,或者会有人尖叫 “小流氓!”如果你知道我的意思,这并不会让 你感到开心。我们会被SOCS吓大。我不确定它 的全部拼写是什么,但就像社会人,空中飞人和 西方有钱人的缩写。这就像“greaser”一词,用 于对美国东部所有男孩分类。

We’re poorer than the Socs and the middle class. I reckon we’re wilder, too. Not like the Socs, who jump greasers and wreck houses and throw beer blasts for kicks and get editorials in the paper for being a public disgrace one day and an asset to society the next. Greasers are almost like hoods; we steal things and drive old souped-up cars and hold up gas stations and have a gang fight once in a while. I don’t mean I do things like that. Darry would kill me if I got into trouble with the police. Since Mom and Dad were killed in an auto wreck, the three of us get to stay together only as long as we behave. So, Soda and I stay out of trouble as much as we can, and we’re careful not to get caught when we can’t. I only mean that most greasers do things like that, just like we wear our hair long and dress in blue jeans and T-shirts or leave our shirttails out and wear leather jackets and tennis shoes or boots. I’m not saying that either Socs or greasers are better; that’s just the way things are.

我们比SOCS和中产阶级更穷,我认为我们也很 疯狂。我们不像SOCS,她们会吓唬我们这些小 青年,也会损坏我们的房子,把啤酒瓶踢碎。因 为这一天是公众的耻辱,第二天是社会的财富, 因此也会被刊登在报纸上。社会青年几乎像无 赖一样。我们偷东西,开改装过的车,抢劫加油站,不 时还会打架。我不是说我会那样做。如果我惹 上警察麻烦,Darry会杀了我的。由于爸爸妈妈 死于车祸,我们三个只有在我们表现良好的情 况下才能在一起。因此,Soda和我尽我们所能 避免遇到麻烦,并且我们谨慎行事,以免陷入困 境。其实,社会青年大多数都会这样做,就像我 们留长发,穿着蓝色牛仔裤和T恤,或者不穿衬 衣,穿皮夹克,网球鞋或靴子一样。我并不是说 socs或社会青年哪个会更好,现实就是这样。



  1. Tough/looks tough =坚固/咬不动/严厉 /艰难/不幸的

This meat’s so tough I can hardly chew it! 这肉太硬了,我几乎无法咬动它!

He acts like a tough guy. 他简直像个硬汉。

Tom is tougher than he looks. 汤姆比他看起来更加强硬。

Today was a very tough day. 今天是非常艰难的一天。

  1. Content =满意/含量

It would be helpful to know the nutritional content of food.


Are you content with your present salary? 你对目前的工资满意吗?

  1. Rarely=很少/难得的

I rarely have time to go the movies . 我很少有时间去看电影。

My mother has rarely criticized me or any of our siblings.我妈鈣彳京少派评我或者我们 任何的兄弟姐妹们。

4.Undisturbed =未被碰过/打扰

I like having the home alone because then I can work undisturbed.

我喜欢一个人在家,因为这样我就可以不受干 扰地工作。

The land is to be left undisturbed as a nature reserve


  1. Crack=never cracks a book at all=裂缝 / 咔嚓声/打开/技术高超

There is a crack down the wallpaper.


Stop cracking your knuckles, if s really disturbing.


Let’s crack open the champagne to celebrate! 让我们打开香槟庆祝吧!

You are a cracking football player! 你是一位出色的足球运动员!

  1. Hollering=大声叫喊/嘶喊

I heard someone hollering at me. 我听到有人在大声地喊我。

In a minute he’ll be hollering at me for coming in late.


  1. I love (soda) more than I ‘ ve ever loved 与其他我爱过的人相比我更爱Soda.

I love (pizza) than (any other food). 我喜欢披萨比我曾经爱过的其他食物都要多。

I love (coffee] than (any other drinks). 我爱咖啡比我曾经爱过的任何饮类都要多。

Love (名次)than (名次归类)

  1. Abbreviations (socials to socs in this case)=缩写

It’s not good style to use abbreviations in an essay.


The article has an excessive number of abbreviations.


9.Middle class=中产阶级

We live in a middle class neighbourhood. 我们生活在中产阶级的社区。

As the middle class is growing, we can also see an increase of car ownership.

随着中产阶级的增升,我们可以看到有更多的 人有汽车了。

  1. Shirttails =衬衫下摆

Sam got told off at school today as he forgot to tuck in his shirttail.

山姆(Sam)今天在学校被说了,因为他忘了 把衬衫下摆塞进去。

The young man operating that machine is careful to fold the end of the tape back on itself, leaving a little shirttail.

操作这个机器的年轻人,非常小心地将磁带的 末端折回去了,还留下了一点小辫子。

Think like a Freak


Think like a Freak


sound track:链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1Z2JdTSK1PRO8n3rSWJO7Eg 提取码: ihww

Stephen J. Dubner and Steven Levitt

The Three Hardest Words in the English Language

Imagine you are asked to listen to a simple story and then answer a few questions about it. Here*s the story: A little girl named Mary goes to the beach with her mother and brother. They drive there in a red car. At the beach they swim, eat some ice cream, play in the sand, and have sandwiches for lunch.

想象你被要求听一个简单的故事,然后回答一些有关它的问 题。故事是这样的:一个名叫玛丽的小女孩和她的母亲,兄弟 一起开着一辆红色汽车去沙滩玩。他们在沙滩上游泳、吃冰淇 淋、玩耍,并在午餐时吃三明治。

Now the questions:

  1. What color was the car?
  2. Did they have fish and chips for lunch?
  3. Did they listen to music in the car?
  4. Did they drink lemonade with lunch?


  1. 汽车是什么颜色的?
  2. 他们午餐吃鱼和薯条吗?
  3. 他们在车上听音乐吗?
  4. 他们在午餐时喝柠檬水吗?

All right, how’d you do? Let’s compare your answers to those of a bunch of British schoolchildren, aged five to nine, who were given this quiz by academic researchers. Nearly all the children got the first two questions right (”red” and “no”], But the children did much worse with questions 3 and 4. Why? Those questions were unanswerable—there simply wasn’t enough information given in the story. And yet a whopping 76 percent of the children answered these questions either yes or no.

好吧,你做得怎么样?让我们将你的答案与五到九岁英国学 童给科研人员的答案进行比较。几乎所有的孩子都正确回答 了前两个问题(“红色”和“否”)。但是孩子们在第3和第4 个问题上表现不是很好。为什么?这些问题无法回答一一故 事中给出的信息根本不够。然而,高达76{ba86a898e1a568e005973d7259e8f4e7dacbc57cdedd66933716059b26d673dc}的孩子对这些问题 回答了是或不是。

Kids who try to bluff their way through a simple quiz like this are right on track for careers in business and politics, where almost no one ever admits to not knowing anything, it has long been said that the three hardest words to say in the English language are I love you, we heartily disagree! For most people, it is much harder to say I don’t know. That1 s a shame, for until you can admit what you don’t yet know, it’s virtually impossible to learn what you need to.

那些试图通过这样一个简单的小测验来虚张声势的孩子们正 走上商业和政治生涯的轨道,在那里几乎没有人承认自己什 么都不知道。一直以来,人们都说英语中最难说的三个字是 “我爱你”,我们完全不同意!对大多数人来说,说我不知道 要困难得多。很遗憾,在你承认你还不知道的事情之前,你几 乎不可能知道你需要什么。

Before we get into the reasons for all this fakery—and the costs, and the solutions—let’s clarify what we mean when we talk about what we “know.”

在我们弄清所有这些伪造的原因以及成本和解决方案之前, 让我们先澄清一下我们“知道”的内容。

There are of course different levels and categories of knowledge. At the top of this hierarchy are what might be called “known facts/1 things that can be scientifically verified. (As Daniel Patrick Moynihan was famous for saying: “‘Everyone’s entitled to their own opinion but not to their own facts.”) If you insist that the chemical composition of water is H02, instead of H20, you will eventually be proved wrong.

当然,知识的水平和类别不同。在此层次结构的顶部是可以被 科学证实的“已知事实”。(正如丹尼尔■帕特里克-莫伊 尼汉所说:“每个人都有权发表自己的意见,但无权获得自己 的事实。”)如果你坚持认为水的化学成分是HO?而不是H20, 那么最终将被证明是错误的。

Then there are “beliefs,” things we hold to be true, but which may not be easily verified. On such topics, there is more room for disagreement. For instance: Does the devil really exist?

然后是“信念”,我们认为这是正确的,但可能难以轻易验证。 在此类主题上,存在更多分歧的空间。

Think about some of the hard issues that politicians and business leaders face every day. What’s the best way to stop mass shootings? Are the benefits of fracking worth the environmental costs? What happens if we allow Middle Eastern dictator who hates us to stay in power?

例如:魔鬼真的存在吗?想想政治家和商业领袖每天都面临 的一些难题。阻止大规模枪击的最佳方法是什么?水力压裂 的好处值不值得环境成本?如果我们让讨厌我们的中东独裁 者继续掌权,会发生什么?

Questions like these can’t be answered merely by assembling a cluster of facts; they require judgment, intuition, and a guess as to how things will ultimately play out. Furthermore, these are multidimensional cause-and-effect questions, which means their outcomes are both distant and nuanced, with complex issues, it can be ridiculously hard to pin a particular cause on a given effect. Did the assault-weapon ban really cut crime一or was it one of ten other factors? Did the economy stall because tax rates were too high一or were the real villains all those Chinese exports and a spike in oil prices?

诸如此类的问题不能仅仅通过汇总事实来回答。而是需要判 断、直觉以及对事情最终结果的猜测。此外,这些是多方面因 果问题,这意味着它们的结果既遥远又细微。对于复杂的问题, 很难将特定的原因与结果联系起来。

禁止攻击性武器真的减少了犯罪还是其它十个因素之一?是 因为税率太高导致经济停滞,还是因为中国出口和油价飙升 才是真正的原因?


  1. All right, how ‘ d you do?=好啦,你做的怎么样?

场景应用(scenario applications):非正式场合/与同伴 衍対话,例如在运动比塞,考试后。

A: I just finished my exam.


B: All right, how’d you do?


A: Yesterday was my first time on stage.


B: All right, how’d you do? 是吗,你做的怎么样?

类似的短语:How did you get on?

  1. There simply wasn t enough information =根本就不够


There simply wasn’t enough salt in this dish.


There simply wasn’t enough evidence in this report. 这份报告中没有足够的证据。

  1. Whopping =巨大地/极大地


The company made a whopping 20 million pounds gain. 该公司又获得了高达2000万英镑的收益。

Whop (击打):

she got so angry, she whopped Sam with her handbag. 她很生气,她用手提包击打了山姆。

  1. Bluff their way through =蒙混过关/靠吹牛哄骗


How did Lily manage to bluff her way into that job? 丽莉是如何蒙混过关得到这份工作的?

He is kind and friendly despite his rather bluff manner. 尽管他的态度有些虚张声势,但他还是很善良和友善的。

  1. Heartily disagree =衷心地不同意


Simon laughed heartily at the joke.


I’m heartily tired of your endless complaints.


  1. Everyone ‘ s entitled to their own opinion=每个人都有自 己见解的权利

Entitled =资格/给某人见解/给某物提名


Everyone is entitled to the presumption of innocent until they are provided to be guilty.


After a great long thought, he entitled the book ‘New Beginnings*.


  1. Merely =只不过,仅仅


I haven’ t spoken to Tom since we left school, he is now merely a good friend.

自从我们离开学校以来,我没有和汤姆说过话,他现在仅是一 个朋友。

The brain accounts for merely three per cent of body weight.


  1. A cluster of facts = —*系列的事实/一串儿/一群儿



A cluster of children stood around the ice cream van. 一群孩子站在冰淇淋车的周围。

A cluster of tourists was surrounding the Buckingham Palace as everyone was very interested in the royal family. 白金汉宫周围有一群游客,因为每个人都对皇室非常感兴趣。

  1. Multidimensional =多维度,多面性


A multidimensional approach is adopted to solve climate change.


This is a difficult issue, we must evaluate the situation in a multidimensional manner.


  1. Spike in oil prices =油价飙升


a) 长钉

There were large spikes on top of the fences to stop people climbing over them.


b) 非常高的数量

Price spikes continue, people will not be able to afford the new houses they want.


c) 拒绝:

The story was deemed too controversial and so they spiked it.


d) 混入烈酒

She claimed that someone had spiked her drink with whisky.
