The Outsider: Eight unconventional CEOs and their Radically Rational Blueprint for success

The Outsider: Eight unconventional CEOs and their Radically Rational Blueprint for success 《非典型经营者的成果法则:8个企业成功翻转的案例》

William Thorndike

sound track: 提取码: qca4

When I stepped out into the bright sunlight from the darkness of the movie house, I had only two things on my mind: Paul Newman and a ride home, I was wishing I looked like Paul Newman —he looks tough and I don’t — but I guess my own looks aren’t so bad. I have light-brown, almost-red hair and greenish-gray eyes. I wish they were more gray, because I hate most guys that have green eyes, but I have to be content with what I have. My hair is longer than a lot of boys wear theirs, squared off in back and long at the front and sides, but I am a greaser and most of my neighbourhood rarely bothers to get a haircut. Besides. I look better with long hair.

当我从黑暗的电影院里走到明亮的阳光下时, 我只在想两件事:保罗•纽曼和乘车回家。我 希望自己看起来像保罗•纽曼一样一因为他 看起来很强壮,而我却不是这样的。但我想我自 己的外表应该还不那么糟糕。我有浅棕色,甚 至近乎是红色的头发和浅绿色的眼睛。但我希 望它们的颜色更灰一些,因为我讨厌大多数有 绿色眼睛的人,但是我必须对自己拥有的东西 有所满足。我的头发比很多男孩的头发都要长, 头发后面很平整,前面和侧面也都很长。但我是 一个比较看起来像“社会青年”的人,我身边 的人也很少去理发。再说了,长发的我看起来更 好。

I had a long walk home and no company, but I usually lone it anyway, for no reason except that I like to watch movies undisturbed so I can get into them and live them with the actors. When I see a movie with someone it’s kind of uncomfortable, like having someone read your book over your shoulder. I’m different that way. I mean, my second-oldest brother, Soda, who is sixteen-going-on-seventeen, never cracks a book at all, and my oldest brother, Darrel, who we call Darry, works too long and hard to be interested in a story or drawing a picture, so I’m not like them. And nobody in our gang digs movies and books the way I do. For a while there, I thought I was the only person in the world that did. So, I loned it.

我走了很长的路,没有人陪伴,但我通常都是独 自一人,尤其是我喜欢不受干扰地看电影,这样 我就可以进入角色的内心仿佛和他们一起生活。 当我和别人一起看电影时,会感到不舒服,就像 让某人在你肩膀上看你的书一样。我和其他人 不同。我的意思是,我那已经过了 16岁马上就 要17岁的哥哥Soda根本不会看书,而我的大 哥Darrel (我们称为Darry)工作太忙,很难对 书中的内容或者绘画感兴趣,所以我和他们不 同。而且我身边没有人像我那样去看电影和读 书。曾有一段时间,我以为我是世界上唯一能做 到这一点的人。因此,我一直一个人。

Soda tries to understand, at least, which is more than Darry does. But then, Soda is different from anybody; he understands everything, almost. Like he’s never hollering at me all the time the way Darry is, or treating me as if was six instead of fourteen. I love Soda more than I’ve ever loved anyone, even Mom and Dad. He’s always happy-go-lucky and grinning, While Darry’s hard and firm and rarely grins at all. But then, Darry’s gone through a lot in his twenty years, grown up too fast. Sodapop’ll never grow up at all. I don’t know which way is the best, I’ 11 find out one of these days.

Soda至少理解我,这比Darry做得要好。但是, Soda与众不同,他几乎了解一切。就像他从未 像Darry —样一直在嘲笑我,或者把我看成六 岁小孩对待,六岁而不是十四岁。我爱Soda的 程度超过了我曾经爱过的任何人,甚至爸爸 妈妈。他总是很开心很幸福,常咧开嘴笑,而 Darry却严肃又认真,很少笑嘻嘻。因为,Darry 在他二十年里经历了很多事情,成长的太快了。 Soda像永远不会长大一样。我不知道哪种方法 最好,我总有一天会知道的。

Anyway, I went on walking home, thinking about the movie, and then suddenly wishing I had some company. Greasers can’t walk alone too much or they’ll get jumped, or someone will come by and scream “Greaser!” at them, which doesn’t make you feel too hot, if you know what I mean. We get jumped by the Socs. I’m not sure how you spell it, but it’s the abbreviation for the Socials, the jet set, the West-side rich kids. It’s like the term “greaser,” which is used to class all us boys on the East Side.

不管怎样,我继续走回家,想着电影,却突然希 望能有一些陪伴。社会青年不能独自行走太长 时间,否则他们会把人吓到,或者会有人尖叫 “小流氓!”如果你知道我的意思,这并不会让 你感到开心。我们会被SOCS吓大。我不确定它 的全部拼写是什么,但就像社会人,空中飞人和 西方有钱人的缩写。这就像“greaser”一词,用 于对美国东部所有男孩分类。

We’re poorer than the Socs and the middle class. I reckon we’re wilder, too. Not like the Socs, who jump greasers and wreck houses and throw beer blasts for kicks and get editorials in the paper for being a public disgrace one day and an asset to society the next. Greasers are almost like hoods; we steal things and drive old souped-up cars and hold up gas stations and have a gang fight once in a while. I don’t mean I do things like that. Darry would kill me if I got into trouble with the police. Since Mom and Dad were killed in an auto wreck, the three of us get to stay together only as long as we behave. So, Soda and I stay out of trouble as much as we can, and we’re careful not to get caught when we can’t. I only mean that most greasers do things like that, just like we wear our hair long and dress in blue jeans and T-shirts or leave our shirttails out and wear leather jackets and tennis shoes or boots. I’m not saying that either Socs or greasers are better; that’s just the way things are.

我们比SOCS和中产阶级更穷,我认为我们也很 疯狂。我们不像SOCS,她们会吓唬我们这些小 青年,也会损坏我们的房子,把啤酒瓶踢碎。因 为这一天是公众的耻辱,第二天是社会的财富, 因此也会被刊登在报纸上。社会青年几乎像无 赖一样。我们偷东西,开改装过的车,抢劫加油站,不 时还会打架。我不是说我会那样做。如果我惹 上警察麻烦,Darry会杀了我的。由于爸爸妈妈 死于车祸,我们三个只有在我们表现良好的情 况下才能在一起。因此,Soda和我尽我们所能 避免遇到麻烦,并且我们谨慎行事,以免陷入困 境。其实,社会青年大多数都会这样做,就像我 们留长发,穿着蓝色牛仔裤和T恤,或者不穿衬 衣,穿皮夹克,网球鞋或靴子一样。我并不是说 socs或社会青年哪个会更好,现实就是这样。



  1. Tough/looks tough =坚固/咬不动/严厉 /艰难/不幸的

This meat’s so tough I can hardly chew it! 这肉太硬了,我几乎无法咬动它!

He acts like a tough guy. 他简直像个硬汉。

Tom is tougher than he looks. 汤姆比他看起来更加强硬。

Today was a very tough day. 今天是非常艰难的一天。

  1. Content =满意/含量

It would be helpful to know the nutritional content of food.


Are you content with your present salary? 你对目前的工资满意吗?

  1. Rarely=很少/难得的

I rarely have time to go the movies . 我很少有时间去看电影。

My mother has rarely criticized me or any of our siblings.我妈鈣彳京少派评我或者我们 任何的兄弟姐妹们。

4.Undisturbed =未被碰过/打扰

I like having the home alone because then I can work undisturbed.

我喜欢一个人在家,因为这样我就可以不受干 扰地工作。

The land is to be left undisturbed as a nature reserve


  1. Crack=never cracks a book at all=裂缝 / 咔嚓声/打开/技术高超

There is a crack down the wallpaper.


Stop cracking your knuckles, if s really disturbing.


Let’s crack open the champagne to celebrate! 让我们打开香槟庆祝吧!

You are a cracking football player! 你是一位出色的足球运动员!

  1. Hollering=大声叫喊/嘶喊

I heard someone hollering at me. 我听到有人在大声地喊我。

In a minute he’ll be hollering at me for coming in late.


  1. I love (soda) more than I ‘ ve ever loved 与其他我爱过的人相比我更爱Soda.

I love (pizza) than (any other food). 我喜欢披萨比我曾经爱过的其他食物都要多。

I love (coffee] than (any other drinks). 我爱咖啡比我曾经爱过的任何饮类都要多。

Love (名次)than (名次归类)

  1. Abbreviations (socials to socs in this case)=缩写

It’s not good style to use abbreviations in an essay.


The article has an excessive number of abbreviations.


9.Middle class=中产阶级

We live in a middle class neighbourhood. 我们生活在中产阶级的社区。

As the middle class is growing, we can also see an increase of car ownership.

随着中产阶级的增升,我们可以看到有更多的 人有汽车了。

  1. Shirttails =衬衫下摆

Sam got told off at school today as he forgot to tuck in his shirttail.

山姆(Sam)今天在学校被说了,因为他忘了 把衬衫下摆塞进去。

The young man operating that machine is careful to fold the end of the tape back on itself, leaving a little shirttail.

操作这个机器的年轻人,非常小心地将磁带的 末端折回去了,还留下了一点小辫子。