G4-The dragon problem

sound track: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1f1bZVnr7RkpStHBvMq7xMA 提取码: 2i3j

http://pan.baidu.com/s/1NYLQNq6GyPcKloTTEoeKog 提取码: jy18


1.ripple:(v)(n) 使成波浪状,起涟漪

a ripple of laughter 一阵阵笑声

The lake ripples gently.湖面轻轻地泛起涟漪。

2. swoop down : 向下猛扑


The plane made a swoop over the city.那架飞机突然向这座城市猛降下来。

The eagle swoop on the prey.鹰猛扑向猎物。

Police made a down swoop.警方于拂晓时发动了突袭。

3. procession: (n)(v) 行列、队伍、排队前进

The troops walked in procession through the street. 军队排成队伍走过街道。

The guests procession down to the dining-room.客人排队进入餐厅。

4.choke:  (n)(v) 窒息、阻塞

Leaves choke the drain.树叶把排水管塞住了。

The strong smell makes me choke.浓烈的气味让我窒息。

5.brainstorm (n)(v) 脑力激荡、集思广益

We can brainstorm the solution.我们可以集思广益讨论解决的方法。

She got a brainstorm.她灵机一动。

6.frantically :(ad) 疯狂的、狂热的

She clutched frantically at my arm.她疯狂地紧紧抓住我的胳膊

7.glare (v)(n)怒目而视,刺眼

Don’t glare at me like that. 不要那么瞪着我。

The glare of the headlights blinded me. 车灯刺眼的光找的我啥都看不见。