The Boss who put everyone on 70K

In 2015, the boss of a card payments company in Seattle introduced a $70,000 minimum salary for all of his 120 staff – and personally took a pay cut of $1m. Five years later he’s still on the minimum salary,  and says the gamble has paid off.


Dan Price was hiking with his friend Valerie in the Cascade mountains that loom (耸立)majestically over Seattle, when he had an uncomfortable revelation(启示).

丹·普莱斯(Dan Price)和他的朋友瓦莱丽(Valerie)在卡斯克特山徒步旅行,这座山巍然耸立在西雅图上空。

As they walked, she told him that her life was in chaos, that her landlord had put her monthly rent up by $200 and she was struggling to pay her bills.


It made Price angry. Valerie, who he had once dated, had served for 11 years in the military, doing two tours in Iraq, and was now working 50 hours a week in two jobs to make ends meet.


“She is somebody for whom service, honour and hard work just defines who she is as a person,” he says.


Even though she was earning around $40,000 a year, in Seattle that wasn’t enough to afford a decent (像样的)home. He was angry that the world had become such an unequal place. And suddenly it struck him that he was part of the problem.


At 31, Price was a millionaire. His company, Gravity Payments, which he set up in his teens, had about 2,000 customers and an estimated worth of millions of dollars. Though he was earning $1.1m a year, Valerie brought home to him(让他明白) that a lot of his staff must be struggling – and he decided to change that.

普莱斯在31岁时是百万富翁。他十几岁时成立的他的公司Gravity Payments大约有2000个客户,估计价值数百万美元。尽管他的年薪为110万美元,但瓦莱丽(Valerie)让他明白,他的许多员工肯定在苦苦挣扎,于是他决定改变这一状况。

“We’re glorifying(颂扬) greed all the time as a society, in our culture. And, you know, the Forbes list is the worst example – ‘Bill Gates has passed Jeff Bezos as the richest man.’ Who cares!?”

“在我们的文化中,我们一直在颂扬贪婪的社会。而且,你知道,福布斯榜单就是最糟糕的例子——“比尔·盖茨已经超过杰夫·贝佐斯成为最富有的人”。“谁在乎! ?”

Before 1995 the poorest half of the population of the United States earned a greater share of national wealth than the richest 1%, he points out. But that year the tables turned – the top 1% earned more than the bottom 50%. And the gap is continuing to widen.


Breathing in the crisp mountain air as he hiked with Valerie, Price had an idea. He immediately promised Valerie he would significantly raise the minimum salary at Gravity.


After crunching(大量处理数字) the numbers, he arrived at the figure of $70,000. He realised that he would not only have to slash his salary, but also mortgage (抵押)his two houses and give up his stocks and savings. He gathered his staff together and gave them the news.


Since then, Gravity has transformed.


The headcount (点头人数)has doubled and the value of payments that the company processes has gone from $3.8bn a year to $10.2bn.


But there are other metrics(衡量指标) that Price is more proud of.


“Before the $70,000 minimum wage, we were having between zero and two babies born per year amongst the team,” he says.


“And since the announcement – and it’s been only about four-and-a-half years – we’ve had more than 40 babies.”


More than 10% of the company have been able to buy their own home, in one of the US’s most expensive cities for renters. Before the figure was less than 1%.


“There was a little bit of concern amongst some people out there that people would squander (挥霍)any gains that they would have. And we’ve really seen the opposite,” Price says.


Two senior Gravity employees resigned in protest. They weren’t happy that the salaries of junior staff had jumped overnight, and argued that it would make them lazy, and the company uncompetitive.


This hasn’t happened.


Rosita Barlow, director of sales at Gravity, says that since salaries were raised junior colleagues have been pulling more weight.

Gravity销售总监Rosita Barlow说,自从薪水提高以来,初级同事的负担越来越重。

Senior staff have found their workload reduced. They’re under less pressure and can do things like take all of the holiday leave to which they are entitled.


“You’re not thinking I have to go to work because I have to make money,” Rosita Barlow agrees. “Now it’s become focused on ‘How do I do good work?'”

罗西塔·巴洛(Rosita Barlow)同意:“你不认为我必须去上班,因为我必须赚钱。” “现在,它的重点是’我如何做好工作?’”

Before 2015, he had already begun giving employees 20% annual pay rises. But it was his conversation with Valerie that convinced him to go further.


Price had hoped that Gravity’s example would lead to far-reaching (深远的)changes in US business. He’s deeply disappointed and sad that this hasn’t happened.


“Boy, was I wrong,” he says. “I’ve really failed in that regard. And it’s changed my perspective on things because I really believed that through the actions that I did and that other people could do, that we could turn the tide on runaway(恶性的) income inequality.”

“哎,我错了,”他说。 “我确实在这方面失败了。这改变了我对事情的看法,因为我真的相信,通过我所做的以及其他人可以做的事情,我们可以扭转收入失衡的局面。”

Five years later, Price is still on Gravity’s minimum salary. He says he’s more fulfilled than he ever was when he was earning millions though it’s not all easy.


“I’m the same age as Mark Zuckerberg and I have dark moments where I think, ‘I want to be just as rich as Mark Zuckerberg and I want to compete with him to be on the Forbes list. And I want to be on the cover of Time magazine, making lots of money.’ All these greedy things are tempting.”


“It’s not like it’s easy to just turn down. But my life is so much better.”


那我们接下来, 将找出这篇文章有趣又有用的短语和句子!

Analysis – Page 1

1. To make ends meet = 维持生计

例句(illustrative sentences):

a) I can’t make ends meets on my small salary.


b) Many families struggle to make ends meet in a financial crash.


2. It struck him = 感到

例句(illustrative sentences):

a) It struck him as odd that she didn’t turn up for work.


b) It struck him as absurd that the shop wouldn’t sell him the item.


3. Brought home = 使我意识到

例句(illustrative sentences):

a) Her words brought home the severity of what was happening.


b) Seeing her face brought home to me how ill she was.


4. The tables turned = 翻盘

例句(illustrative sentences):

a) The tables have turned this game and we’re winning.


b) The tables turned for him and he ended up losing everything, including his friends.



5. Crunching the numbers = 仍在计算数字

例句(illustrative sentences):

a) I was so excited by the business deal that I stayed up till 6am crunching the numbers.


b) The winner will be announced later, the officials are still crunching the numbers.


6. Headcount = 人数

例句(illustrative sentences):

a) After the merger, the business will need to cut its headcount.


b) The firm’s headcount has double this year.


c) The teacher did a headcount to make sure everyone was there.



7. Metrics = 指标

例句(illustrative sentences):

a) The UK and US use different metrics to measure temperature.


b) Profits and debts are some of the most important metrics in a company.



8. Resigned in protest = 辞职来抗议

例句(illustrative sentences):

a) The director resigned in protest at the decision.


b) He resigned in protest of the privatization.


9. Pulling more weight = 更努力

例句(illustrative sentences):

a) If you don’t start pulling more weight you’re going to get fired.


b) She was dropped from the committee because she wasn’t pulling more weight.


10. Far-reaching changes = 深远的变革/变更

例句(illustrative sentences):

a) The bosses were unwilling to push for far-reaching changes.


b) Technology has brought far-reaching changes to the structure of society.



11. Turn the tide = 扭转

例句(illustrative sentences):

a) The company is struggling to turn the tide on its failing business.


b) Their intervention turned the tide on the war.



12. More fulfilled = 更加满意

例句(illustrative sentences):

a) He was more fulfilled in his new job where he was working with the elderly.


b) Adult education helps people feel more fulfilled in their lives.





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