G3-The Dream Catcher

sound track: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1YDyWA9raCJEl3WIBjhS23w 提取码:j688


Word bank:

1.stretch to reach the top shelf:把手够到架子的最上端

stretch  (v)(n) 伸展,持续

stretch the rope tight把绳子伸展变紧

There is a stretch of woodland beside the sea.海边有一片林地

2.twist around the hoop 缠绕在圈上

twist (n)(v)扭转,曲折

twist one’s wrist 扭伤了手腕

The accident happened at the twist in the road.这场事故发生在道路的拐弯处。

3.bead (v)(n) 小珠,用珠珠装饰

the bead of blood  血滴

The girl is wearing a bead  necklace.女孩戴了一条珠珠项链。