We won’t defeat terrorism by locking people up forever

This week we were all given reason to question how safe we feel on our streets. On Sunday, a 20-year-old took a knife and injured three people on a busy high street before being shot dead by police officers. Like the terrorist attack on London Bridge, we have once again been confronted with the fragility (脆弱)of life.


In the aftermath of terror events there is always an immediate call for more to be done to tackle extremism. It is understandable that we want to feel safe, yet at times like this it is more important than ever to remember that public panic is the exact response that terrorism hopes to provoke.


In the race to issue a response, rather than thoughtful reflection on what’s working and what isn’t, it’s tempting for politicians to make bold promises to rid our streets of terror once and for all.


That’s what happened on Sunday after the attack in Streatham. There was remarkably little time for soul-searching(自我反省). In less than 12 hours, the home secretary was announcing new initiatives to tackle extremism – later revealed to be a promise to lock up terrorists for ever. Sadly for all of us who want a safer world, these proposals did little to offer real reassurance(保证).


Loud, strong-arm(强硬的) announcements that talk of “getting tough” should always be viewed with suspicion. We deserve solutions that work, not kneejerk (本能)reactions that entrench(挖掘固守) the problems they’re supposed to solve. That means we need to be having evidence-based conversations about long-term solutions.


These should start with an appraisal (评估)of the government’s failing Prevent counter-terrorism (反恐)strategy. It’s a blunt and ineffective tool that can profile children as extremists based on the colour of their skin, and has labelled environment campaign group Extinction Rebellion as a threat. It has become just another instrument of coercion (强迫,政治高压)and control that has no hope of addressing the complex causes of violent extremism(暴力极端主义). It is not based on evidence, its effectiveness has not been reviewed and, given recent events, it’s clearly not working.


Liberty, along with others, has been campaigning to get an independent review of Prevent. This hasn’t happened. A review was announced but had to be deferred(推迟) after the reviewer was, by his own admission, biased (有偏见)towards Prevent. In the noise of press coverage in the last few days, the government’s silence on this failed strategy is deafening(震耳欲聋的).


Instead, we have a familiar playbook of punitive, short-term measures that may grab headlines but won’t save lives. It’s easy to suggest that locking people up for longer will reduce the threat of terrorism. At best it defers the problem, at worst it leaves people languishing in a broken prison system, stripped of the resources required to rehabilitate them. And if we don’t rehabilitate people, we can never end violent crime.


Over the next week, we’ll no doubt see attention focused on the people convicted of terrorism who are on the brink (边缘)of release. Those who believe they should be kept locked up while the government sorts out its act should contemplate(考虑) what they are giving away in the process, and what seeds they’re sowing.


While the threat to lengthen people’s jail terms retrospectively (回顾的)might sound like a necessary approach, it also risks breaking the law because everyone – including convicted criminals – has a right to serve the prison sentence they were given when they were tried by an independent judge, not one imposed at the whim(心血来潮) of a politician playing to the public gallery(迎合公众的).


And to break the law for what? Ultimately, these moves don’t offer solutions. They offer no hope of terrorism being eradicated(解决), no hope of rehabilitation(复兴). Not to mention that(更不用说) longer prison terms come with a hefty(巨额的) public spending bill.


What has been lost in all of this is accountability. This should be a chance for the state to reflect on what’s working and what’s not, and to build a strategy that protects all our rights and freedoms and keeps us safe.


We need initiatives that stop us from being victims and discourage us from being perpetrators(犯罪者). As hard as it is to be a voice of restraint (克制)at times like these, it’s more important than ever to stick to our principles and stand up to power.


那我们接下来, 将找出这篇文章有趣又有用的短语和句子!

Analysis – Page 1

1. Locking up = 关押罪

例句(illustrative sentences):

a) After all the crimes he’s committed, it’s no surprise they’re locking him up.


b) Locking up criminals is only one way to try and deter crime.



2. Terrorist attack = 恐怖袭击

例句(illustrative sentences):

a) The number of terrorist attacks is on the rise.


b) It was terrorists that attacked the embassy building.



3. Been confronted with = 面临

例句(illustrative sentences):

a) You’ve been confronted with many difficulties in your life.


b) We’ve been confronted with the possibility of having the event delayed.


4. In the aftermath = 后果

例句(illustrative sentences):

a) In the aftermath of the storm, many people’s homes were destroyed.


b) The city was rebuilt in the aftermath of the war.


5. Extremism = 极端主义

例句(illustrative sentences):

a) The council was accused of extremism.


b) He was condemned by extremists on both the left and right.


6. In the race to = 争夺

例句(illustrative sentences):

a) The two companies are in the race to get the new technology.


b) In the race to go home early, he messed up his work.


7. Soul searching = 深思熟虑

例句(illustrative sentences):

a) After much soul-searching she decided to leave the company.


b) After much soul-searching, he decided not to go to dinner.


8. Strong-arm = 强

例句(illustrative sentences):

a) The police used strong-arm tactics with them.


b) They were critical of her strong-arm leadership.



9. Knee-jerk reactions = 下意识反应

例句(illustrative sentences):

a) A victim’s knee-jerk reaction to the crime is often revenge.


b) Knee-jerk reactions to problems always result in disaster.


10. Appraisal = 评估

例句(illustrative sentences):

a) A detailed appraisal of your work will be carried out.


b) This situation needs a calm appraisal.


11. Counterterrorism = 反恐

例句(illustrative sentences):

a) A counterterrorism official visited the site of the attack.


b) They’re involved in both counterterrorism and humanitarian efforts.


12. Independent review = 独立审查

例句(illustrative sentences):

a) The company brought in someone to do an independent review of the situation.


b) An independent review of your mistakes is required.


13. Punitive = 惩罚性

例句(illustrative sentences):

a) The UN has imposed punitive sanctions on the country.


b) The US could impose punitive tariffs on exports.


14. Sorts out its act = 理清自己的举止

例句(illustrative sentences):

a) He needs to sort out his act and learn his lines.


b) You need to sort out your act and tidy your room.



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