The little prince



Once when I was six years old I saw a beautiful picture in a book about the primeval (原始的)forest called True Stories. It showed a boa (蟒蛇)constrictor(大蟒蛇) swallowing an animal.


The book stated: ‘Boa constrictors swallow their prey (猎物)whole without chewing it whereupon(接着,随之) they can no longer move and sleep for six months digesting it.’ I then reflected (思考)deeply upon the adventures in the jungle and in turn succeeded in making my first drawing with a colour pencil.


I showed my masterpiece to the grown-ups and asked them if my drawing frightened them. They answered: ‘Why should anyone be frightened by a hat?’ My drawing did not represent a hat. It was supposed to be a boa constrictor digesting an elephant. So I made another drawing of the inside of the boa constrictor to enable the grown-ups to understand. They always need explanations.


The grown ups then advised me to give up my drawings of boa constrictors, whether from the inside or the outside, and to devote myself instead to geography, history, arithmetic and grammar. Thus it was that I gave up a magnificent career as a painter at the age of six. I had been disappointed by the lack of success of my drawing No. I and my drawing No. 2. Grown-ups never understand anything by themselves and it is rather tedious(无聊的) for children to have to explain things to them time and again.


Thus I lived alone, with no one I could really talk to, until I had an accident in the Sahara Desert six years ago. Something broke down in my engine. And since there was neither a mechanic (机械师)nor a passenger with me, I prepared myself for a difficult but what I hoped would be a successful repair. It was a matter of life or death for me. I had scarcely enough drinking water for a week.


On the first night, I fell asleep on the sand, a thousand miles from any human habitation. I was far more isolated than a shipwrecked (沉船的)sailor on a raft in the middle of the ocean. So you can imagine my surprise at sunrise when an odd little voice woke me up.


It said: ‘Please…draw me a sheep.’





‘Draw me a sheep.’


I jumped up, completely thunderstruck(惊呆了). I rubbed my eyes, blinked hard and looked carefully around me. And I discovered an extraordinary little boy watching me gravely(严肃的). I drew a portrait of him. But of course, my drawing is not half as charming as its model. It is not my fault. I had been discouraged by grown-ups in my career as a painter when I was six years old, and I hadn’t learned to draw anything with the exception of boas from the outside and boas from the inside.


I therefore stared in total astonishment at this sudden apparition(鬼怪,离奇的东西). So I had to choose another job and I learnt to pilot aeroplanes. I flew more or less all over the world. And indeed geography has been extremely useful to me. I am able to distinguish between China and Arizona at a glance. It is extremely helpful if one gets lost in the night.


As a result of which I have been in touch, through-out my life, with all kinds of serious people. I have spent a lot of time with grown-ups. I have seen them at very close quarters (地区)which I’m afraid has not greatly enhanced my opinion of them.


Whenever I met one who seemed reasonably clear-sighted to me, I showed them my drawing No 2, which I had kept, as an experiment. I wanted to find out whether he or she was truly understanding. But the answer was always: ‘It is a hat.’ So I gave up mentioning boa constrictors or primeval forests or stars. I would bring myself down to his or her level and talk about bridge, golf, politics and neckties. And the grown-up would be very pleased to have met such a sensible person.


Do not forget that I was a thousand miles away from any inhabited region. But my little chap(小家伙) did not seem to be either lost or dead tired or dying of hunger, thirst or fear. He did not look like a child lost in the middle of the desert, a thousand miles from any inhabited region.



那我们接下来, 将找出这篇文章有趣又有用的短语和句子!

Analysis – Page 1


1. Primeval forest = 原始森林

例句(illustrative sentences):

a) I went in to explore the primeval forest.


b) The railway cuts through the primeval forest.



2. Boa constrictor = 蟒蛇

例句(illustrative sentences):

a) He’s as friendly as a boa constrictor.


b) A boa constrictor squeezes its victims.



3. Whereupon = 于是

例句(illustrative sentences):

a) He saw me coming, whereupon he offered me his seat.


b) She laughed at him, whereupon he walked out.



4. Digesting = 消化

例句(illustrative sentences):

a) I had a hard time digesting dinner.


b) We chew food to help us digest it.



5. Masterpiece = 杰作

例句(illustrative sentences):

a) The book is a masterpiece.


b) She has painted many masterpieces.



6. Devote = 致力 / 承诺

例句(illustrative sentences):

a) He decided to devote his life to science.


b) When you marry, you promise to devote your life to one another.



7. Arithmetic = 算术

例句(illustrative sentences):

a) I’ve never been very good at arithmetic.


b) They tried to teach their child mental arithmetic.



8. Tedious = 乏味

例句(illustrative sentences):

a) His jokes were getting quite tedious.


b) All jobs are tedious.



9. Mechanic = 修理工

例句(illustrative sentences):

a) The mechanic fixed my car.


b) I’ll call a mechanic to pick up the car.



10. A matter of Life and Death = 关于生与死的问题

例句(illustrative sentences):

a) This is a matter of life and death for me.


b) Don’t bother me unless it’s a matter of life and death.



11. Scarcely enough = 几乎没有足够

例句(illustrative sentences):

a) There is scarcely enough food.


b) I earn scarcely enough money to get the bus home.



12. Human habitation = 人类居住

例句(illustrative sentences):

a) The house was unfit for human habitation.


b) There is not a single human habitation in this area.



13. Shipwrecked = 岛上遇难

例句(illustrative sentences):

a) Try and imagine being shipwrecked on an island!


b) The sailors were shipwrecked on the beach.







14. Thunderstruck = 震惊

例句(illustrative sentences):

a) I was thunderstruck when he gave me a present.


b) She was thunderstruck to hear the news.



15. Portrait = 肖像

例句(illustrative sentences):

a) She painted a portrait of her family.


b) They had many portraits on their wall.



16. Astonishment = 惊讶

例句(illustrative sentences):

a) He looked at her in astonishment.


b) To my astonishment, she quit her job.



17. As a result of which = 因此

例句(illustrative sentences):

a) I was angry at her, as a result of which, I stopped talking to her.


b) His work was all wrong, as a result of which, I also copied it down wrong.



18. Very close quarters = 住得很近

例句(illustrative sentences):

a) The group had to sleep in very close quarters.


b) I’m tired of living in very close quarters with them.



19. I’m afraid = 我很伤心地说

例句(illustrative sentences):

a) It’s snowing outside, I’m afraid I’ll be late for work.


b) If you cancel now, I’m afraid you lose your money.



20. Inhabited = 住

例句(illustrative sentences):

a) The house was also inhabited by her grandparents.


b) People have inhabited this area for thousands of years.




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