

I’d never given much thought to how I would die— though I’d had reason enough in the last few months — but even if I had, I would not have imagined it like this. I stared without breathing across the long room, into the dark eyes of the hunter, and he looked pleasantly back at me.


我从来没有想过我会怎么死——尽管最近几个月我有足够的理由——但是即使我有想过,我也不会认为会是这样的。 我屏住呼吸,望着长长的房间,望着猎人的黑眼睛,他也愉快地回望着我。

Surely it was a good way to die, in the place of someone else, someone I loved. Noble, even. That ought to count for something. I knew that if I’d never gone to Forks, I wouldn’t be facing death now. But, terrified as I was, I couldn’t bring myself to regret the decision. When life offers you a dream so far beyond any of your expectations, it’s not reasonable to grieve when it comes to an end. The hunter smiled in a friendly way as he sauntered(漫步) forward to kill me.

当然,这是一个好的死亡方法,有另一个人在,而这个人又是我爱的人。甚至有些高贵。 这至少代表着什么。 我知道,如果我从未去过福克斯小镇,我现在就不会面临死亡。 但是,就算我现在害怕,我也不能后悔自己的决定。当生活给你一个远远超出你预期的梦想时,没有理由在它结束时悲伤。猎人友好地笑了笑,从容地走向前去杀了我。



My mother drove me to the airport with the windows rolled down. It was seventy-five degrees in Phoenix, the sky a perfect, cloudless blue. I was wearing my favorite shirt — sleeveless, white eyelet lace; I was wearing it as a farewell gesture. My carry-on item was a parka. In the Olympic Peninsula of northwest Washington State, a small town named Forks exists under a near-constant cover of clouds. It rains on this inconsequential(无足轻重的) town more than any other place in the United States of America. It was from this town and its gloomy, omnipresent(无处不在的) shade that my mother escaped with me when I was only a few months old. It was in this town that I’d been compelled to spend a month every summer until I was fourteen. That was the year I finally put my foot down; these past three summers, my dad, Charlie, vacationed with me in California for two weeks instead. It was to Forks that I now exiled myself — an action that I took with great horror. I detested (厌恶)Forks. I loved Phoenix. I loved the sun and the blistering(极热的) heat. I loved the vigorous(有活力的), sprawling (杂乱的)city.

我的母亲打开车窗,开着车送我到机场。 凤凰城是七十五度,天空是完美无云的蓝色。 我穿着我最喜欢的衬衫-无袖白色孔雀眼花边; 我以告别的姿态穿着它。 我的随身物品是一件派克大衣。 在华盛顿州西北部的奥林匹克半岛,一个名叫福克斯的小镇存在于几乎恒定的云层之下。 这个不起眼的小镇上的降雨比美国任何其他地方都要多。 当我只有几个月大的时候,我母亲带着我逃离了这个城市和它那无处不在的阴暗处。 每年夏天,我不得不在这个小镇度过一个月,直到我十四岁。 那年我终于做了决定。 在过去的三个夏天中,我父亲查理都会在在加利福尼亚与我一起度假了两个星期。现在,我让自己离开了福克斯小镇——采取了这一行动让我自己都震惊。我讨厌福克斯。我爱凤凰城。我喜欢阳光和烈热。我喜欢这个蓬勃发展的城市。

“Bella,” my mom said to me – the last of a thousand times before I got on the plane. “You don’t have to do this.” My mom looks like me, except with short hair and laugh lines. I felt a spasm (一阵发作)of panic as I stared at her wide, childlike eyes. How could I leave my loving, erratic(古怪的), hare-brained (轻率的)mother to fend (照顾)for herself? Of course, she had Phil now, so the bills would probably get paid, there would be food in the refrigerator, gas in her car, and someone to call when she got lost, but still ……

“贝拉,”我妈妈对我说——在我上飞机前的最后一千次。 “你不必这样做。”我妈妈和我长得很像,除了短发和笑纹。当我盯着她那双大大的、孩子气的眼睛时,我感到一阵恐慌。我怎么能让我那爱我的、古怪的、轻率的母亲自己照顾自己呢? 当然,她现在有菲尔了,所以账单可能会付得起,冰箱里有食物,车里有汽油,她迷路时有人会打电话给她,但还是……

“I want to go,” I lied. I’d always been a bad liar, but I’d been saying this lie so frequently lately that it sounded al-most convincing now.


“Tell Charlie I said hi.”


“I will.”



“I’ll see you soon,” she insisted. “You can come home whenever you want, I’ll come right back as soon as you need me.” But I could see the sacrifice in her eyes behind the promise.

她坚持说:“我们会很快再见。” “你随时可以回家,有需要时我会马上回来。”但我能从她眼中看到承诺背后的牺牲。


“Don’t worry about me,” I urged. “It’ll be great. I love you, Mom.”

我敦促:“不要担心我。” “一切都会很好。妈妈,我爱你。”

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那我们接下来, 找出这篇文章有趣又有用的短语和句子

Analysis – Page 1

1. I’d never given much thought = 我从来没有想过那么多

例句(illustrative sentences):

a) I’d never given much thought to what I would do after I graduate.


b) It’s a subject my teacher had never given much thought to.


2. Reason enough = 足够的理由

例句(illustrative sentences):

a) It’s raining, that’s reason enough not to leave the house


b) Smoking is bad for your health, surely that’s reason enough to stop smoking?


3. Ought to count for something = 应该有所作为

例句(illustrative sentences):

a) I know this essay wasn’t good, but my previous essays ought to count for something.


b) His promise ought to count for something, he will finish it.



4. Sauntered = 闲逛

例句(illustrative sentences):

a) She sauntered in fifteen minutes late.


b) He sauntered by with his hands in his pockets.



5. Hunter = 猎人

例句(illustrative sentences):

a) The hunter shot the deer.


b) The hunter is following the tiger.


6. White eyelet lace = 白色孔雀眼花边

例句(illustrative sentences):

a) Her wedding dress was a beautifully long, white eyelet lace dress.


b) She put out her favourite white eyelet lace tablecloth.


7. Carry-on item = 随身行李

例句(illustrative sentences):

a) How many carry-on items are we allowed?


b) Sorry Sir, this carry-on item is too big.


8. Parka = 派克外套

例句(illustrative sentences):

a) This parka will keep you warm.


b) She held both sides of the parka hood to protect herself from the snow.


9. Omnipresent = 无所不在

例句(illustrative sentences):

a) Advertisements are omnipresent these days.


b) There’s an omnipresent background noise in the city.


Omni是许多单词的前部分。Omni 的意思是无所什么…… 其中最常见的是:

Omnipresent = 无所不在

Omniscient = 无所不知

Omnipotent = 无所不能


10. I’d been compelled to = 我被强迫的 /我不得不怎么样

例句(illustrative sentences):

a) We can’t compel you to do your work, but we think you should.


b) I’m compelled to study harder.



11. Put my foot down = 放下脚/下定决心

例句(illustrative sentences):

a) I’m putting my foot down, you’re not going to the party.


b) He wanted to drop out of university, but his parents put their foot down.



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