G3-Bruno’s new home

sound track: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1jAEAVL3km-7TzY6qJVGwrw 提取码:2a2g


1.leaves dance around the trees 用拟人化的修辞体现了秋天落叶纷飞的情景。

2.grumble and growl to himself 低声嘟囔,低声咆哮

3.tangled roots 互相缠绕的树根

tangle (v)(n)缠绕,混乱

legal tangle 法律纠纷,Long hair will tangle easily. 长发容易缠结在一起 The wool got in a tangle . 毛线乱成了一团。

4. rip out 撕开

rip (v)(n)撕裂,裂缝

She sewed up the rip in his sleeve.她缝好了她衣袖上的裂口。

You should rip the cover off the box.你应当把这个盒子的封套扯掉。

5 become educated:变得有学识


The children is well educated. 这个孩子受过良好的教育。


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