G3-The Dream Catcher

sound track: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1YDyWA9raCJEl3WIBjhS23w 提取码:j688


Word bank:

1.stretch to reach the top shelf:把手够到架子的最上端

stretch  (v)(n) 伸展,持续

stretch the rope tight把绳子伸展变紧

There is a stretch of woodland beside the sea.海边有一片林地

2.twist around the hoop 缠绕在圈上

twist (n)(v)扭转,曲折

twist one’s wrist 扭伤了手腕

The accident happened at the twist in the road.这场事故发生在道路的拐弯处。

3.bead (v)(n) 小珠,用珠珠装饰

the bead of blood  血滴

The girl is wearing a bead  necklace.女孩戴了一条珠珠项链。

G3-Bruno’s new home

sound track: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1jAEAVL3km-7TzY6qJVGwrw 提取码:2a2g


1.leaves dance around the trees 用拟人化的修辞体现了秋天落叶纷飞的情景。

2.grumble and growl to himself 低声嘟囔,低声咆哮

3.tangled roots 互相缠绕的树根

tangle (v)(n)缠绕,混乱

legal tangle 法律纠纷,Long hair will tangle easily. 长发容易缠结在一起 The wool got in a tangle . 毛线乱成了一团。

4. rip out 撕开

rip (v)(n)撕裂,裂缝

She sewed up the rip in his sleeve.她缝好了她衣袖上的裂口。

You should rip the cover off the box.你应当把这个盒子的封套扯掉。

5 become educated:变得有学识


The children is well educated. 这个孩子受过良好的教育。


Hello,Everybody!It’s Sandy here—I hope that you re having an amazing day.


这个blog分为三个theme,分别是movie reviews,reading club和wonders。 我会精心为大家挑选优质的英语文章和电影,涵盖商业新知、个人成长励志故事、经典小说、社会科学知识和时事新闻等等。我会用英语为大家朗读每篇文章,之后还会有地道的英语表达和短句分析供大家学习。


Life is full of adventures,and all beings at the end of your comfort zone.Please join me ,together,we can truly embark on an amazing journey and to become a better self,day by day!