G3-Every vote counts

Sound track:https://pan.baidu.com/s/13dv7o8r-n-0qcHZ2IRR3eA 提取码: 4a76
Word Bank:


I‘d convinced myself(that) I was right. 我确信我自己是正确的。

I’ve been trying to convince him to see a doctor.我一直劝他去看病。


the newly elected government 新选的政府

Increasing numbers of people elect to work from home nowadays. 现在越来越多的人选择在家上班。


a presidential candidate 总统候选人


5.estimate:(vt) 估计

Try to estimate how many steps it will take to get to a close object.估计一下需要多少步才能到达一个近距目标。

6.count (vi) 有价值、有重要意义

What counts is what they do with it. 重要的是他们用它来做什么。

Making the Most of Every Strawberry  


The distinction between material and experiential purchases isn’t quite as clear as we’ve been making it. SunChips seem more experiential than pens, sure, but we hope few people would list “eating chips” as a life-defining experience.


While a trip to Paris is clearly an experience and a painting of Paris is clearly a material thing, a mélange of other purchases falls somewhere in the hazy middle. Is this book a material thing or an experience?


If you bought this book for its decorative cover to adorn the shelves of your living room or impress your colleagues, then it lies closer to the material end of the continuum. If you intend to read this book and then pass it along to a friend, delete it from your Kindle, or toss it in a raging fire, it falls on the experiential side. Although we’re not advocating book burning, the evidence suggests that you might be less likely to regret buying it if you view it as an experiential purchase.


Just shifting your focus can alter whether a purchase feels like an experience. Imagine buying a boxed set of music by your favorite band. Think about where you would put it in your house and how it would fit with the rest of your collection. Now forget that and consider instead how you would feel while listening to these songs, focusing on your connection with the music. Research shows that people are more likely to see the boxed set of music as an experiential purchase when they follow the second set of instructions. This mental flexibility provides a springboard to greater satisfaction with whatever we buy.


Businesses have capitalized on this idea through efforts to make their products more experiential. Consider the humble strawberry. Given the limited shelf life of berries, it is clearly an experiential good. But in the hands of Ferran Adria, one of the world’s top chefs, the strawberry becomes an Experience.

企业也在利用这一想法,它们努力使产品更具体验性。考虑一下不起眼的草莓。鉴于它的保质期有限,这显然是一种体验产品。但是,在世界顶级厨师之一的Ferran Adria的手中,草莓成为了一种体验。

When Mike had the opportunity to dine at Adria’s restaurant El Bulli shortly before it closed in 2011, he was disgruntled that one course consisted of nothing more than a strawberry.

2011年阿德里亚餐厅(Adria’s restaurant El Bulli)关门前不久,迈克有机会在这家餐厅用餐,他对其中一道菜不过是一个草莓感到不满。

But when he bit into the strawberry, he tasted gin and tonic. And then barbecue sauce. And finally, the strawberry. Adria designed this culinary experiment to evoke the experience of a summer barbecue, attempting to bring back nostalgic memories by activating what he calls our sixth sense. The renowned chef says his goal is to turn “eating into an experience that supersedes eating.” Each year Adria completely re-created the menu, so every diner knew that he or she had a dining experience that could never be repeated.



But the El Bulli experience extends beyond the food itself. Even the mundane act of getting a reservation was part of the experience. Before shutting its doors, El Bulli often received 1-2 million reservation requests per year yet served just 8,000 customers. Some diners tried for years to get a spot. As a young Parisian woman named Clotilde Dusoulier wrote on her food blog, “I remember the yearning, and I remember the pang that followed closely: considering the small number of guests that the restaurant could accommodate each season, the dream seemed out of reach.’

但El Bulli的体验不仅限于食物本身。即使是预订房间这种平凡的行为也是这种经历的一部分。在关门之前,El Bulli每年通常会收到1-2百万个预订请求,但只接待了8000名顾客。一些用餐者多年来一直想要得到一个位置。正如一位名叫克洛蒂尔德杜苏里耶(Clotilde Dusoulier)的巴黎年轻女子在她的美食博客中写道的那样,“我记得那种渴望,也记得随之而来的痛苦:考虑到餐厅每一季能接待的客人很少,这个梦想似乎无法实现。”


Even getting to El Bulli was an experience, involving a two-hour car ride from Barcelona via a curvy road with poor or absent signage up a mountain. The restaurant invited storytelling on a grand scale: bloggers have written volumes about their experiences at El Bulli, often accompanied by sensual images of each dish, satisfying the Internet demand for food porn. When El Bulli comes up, no matter what company Mike is in, there are always several people who request—no, demand—a blow-by-blow recounting of his experience.

即便是到了El Bulli,也是一种体验,从巴塞罗那出发,要经过一条弯弯曲曲的道路,需要两个小时的车程,上山的路标很少或根本就没有。这家餐厅邀请了很多人来讲述他们在El Bulli的经历:博客写手们写了很多关于他们在El Bulli的经历,通常还会附上每道菜的诱人影像,满足网上对美食的需求。当El Bulli出现时,不管Mike在哪家公司,总有几个人会要求——不,是要求——详细叙述他的经历。

sound track:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1PKUZti1EPpsZL6wEQ0UnMQ 提取码:4amy

那我们接下来, 将找出这篇文章有趣又有用的短语和句子!

1. Distinction=差别/区分/区别

a) There is a sharp distinction between domestic and international politics.


b)  There is often no clear distinction between an allergy and food intolerance.



2. Melange=混合物

a)  The population in Luxembourg is a melange of different cultures. 卢森堡的人口是不同文化的混合物。

b) The resulting melange played to Zhang’s strengths as a filmmaker. 由此产生的混合物发挥了张作为电影制片人的优势。


3. Hazy=雾蒙蒙的/模糊的

a) The mountain was hazy in the distance.


b) The room was hazy with smoke.



4. Decorative=装饰性的

a) Tiffany revamped her sitting room with simple decorative tricks.


b) Bright cushions add a decorative touch to a room.


5. To adorn=装饰

a) She likes to adorn herself with jewels.


b) Several magnificent oil paintings adorn the walls.


6. To toss =扔/抛/射

a) Let’s toss a coin to see who pays it.


b) Drain the pasta and toss it in melted butter.


7. To pass along=传递

a) The Consumer Federation claims banks are ripping you off by not passing along savings on interest rates.


b)  The media are merely the messengers, sometimes further sensationalizing and then passing along the false picture that has been painted.


8. To advocate =支持/拥护

a) I felt that it was irresponsible to advocate the legalisation of drugs.我认为主张毒品合法化是不负责任的。

b) Many experts advocate rewarding your child for good behaviour.



9. To shift one’s focus =将注意的焦点转移到

a) This award will, hopefully, shift his focus from writing to acting, at least for the time being.


b) Getting school fee support allowed me to shift my focus to schoolwork and excel as a student.


10. Focus on=集中到/聚焦在…上

a) Most countries are now focusing on combating the coronavirus.


b) This season’s fashions focus on warm tones and soft lines.


11. Connection=联系/连接/接通

a) Scientists have established a connection between cholesterol levels and heart disease.


b) There is a close connection between family background and academic achievement.


12. Disgruntled=不满的

a) After long delays, disgruntled passengers were taken to a nearby hotel.


b) The public is still disgruntled about Boris Johnson’s ‘herd immunity’ strategy.


13. Culinary=烹饪的

a) The Academy of Culinary Arts launched its first residential course programme.


b) She was keen to acquire more advanced culinary skills.


14. To evoke=唤起/引起/召唤/激起

a) Smells and tastes often evoke memories from the past.


b) These images are likely to evoke a strong response in the viewer.


15. Renowned=著名的

a) The French are renowned for their cooking.


b) Charlie is one of the world’s renowned painters. 查理是世界著名的画家之一。

G4-The fisherman and the Kaha Bird

sound track :https://pan.baidu.com/s/1eTF2gj1CwiIhzioOf10AGg 提取码:z3ra

https://pan.baidu.com/s/1g97p6XyBa48eG00v9ZVGzA 提取码: i9vn

Word Bank:

1.trudge:(v)(n) 缓慢或吃力地走,长途跋涉

It was a long trudge up the hill.那段上山的路很难走。

We had to trudge in the snow to get back home.我们不得不在雪中跋涉才回到家。


Diamonds have dazzling sparkle. 钻石拥有耀眼的光芒。

3.fabric(n) 织物、布料、建筑物结构

weave a fabric 织布

The fibers are woven into the fabric.纤维被织成织物。

4.request (v)(n)请求、要求

She made a request for some water. 她请求给点水。

a request for help 请求帮助

5.soar (v)翱翔、骤升

He wanted to soar like an eagle.他渴望像鹰一样翱翔。

The higher they soar,the greater they fall. 飞的越高,跌的越重。



G3-Sailing to America

sound track:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1WE2d6Xvmc-YodzY-kdAonA 提取码:jaew

Eric: http://pan.baidu.com/s/1zsNKqvRrmcvQZsHNkK5jRg 提取码: 37uy

1.immigrate:(v) 移居入境

They are going o immigrate to Canada. 他们决定移民去加拿大。


His voice was almost a whisper. 他的声音接近耳语/

whisper a few words 低声说几句

3. snowflake:(n)雪花


Customs officers inspect our baggage. 海关人员检查我们的行李。

inspect our school 视察学校

5. opportunity (n)机会,时机

The opportunity has not yet arrived. 时机尚未成熟。

grasp the opportunity 抓住机会

G3-Anansi learns a lesson

sound track:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1b3WT62ltwoeWYpB2s6eYBw 提取码: xrfa

http://pan.baidu.com/s/1q5_haVamDr-McKu2hGqKCg?pwd=fmq0 提取码:fmq0

Word Bank:
1.interfere :干涉、妨碍

The police are very unwilling to interfere in family problems.警方很不情愿插手家庭问题。

She never allows her personal feelings to interfere with her work . 她从不让她的个人情感妨碍工作。

I’d get fired if he found out I’d been interfering with his records. 要是他发现我把他的唱片鼓捣坏了, 我就得被解雇。

2.sly (a)狡猾的,诡秘的(n)躲躲闪闪的

You sly old devil !你这个老滑头


He’s got a filthy mind .他满脑子淫乱的思想。

She has a filthy temper. 他脾气暴躁。


5,involved (a)(v)有关的,牵涉

I don’t want to get involved in the matter. 我不想卷入此事

6.awkward (a)尴尬的,笨拙的

He runs with an awkward movement.他跑步的时候动作很别扭。

She always feels awkward when she’s with Tom. 她跟汤姆在一起总感到尴尬。

7. sputter(v)(n)急语,语无伦次的说

He began to sputter his reply 他开始结结巴巴地回答。

He went up to sputter out the incident to her. 他去吞吞吐吐把这事告诉她。


G4-Dollars and Sense

sound bank:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1K5nO1oF-oN36IImkSi2Uvg 提取码: naqe
Word Bank:
1. compassionate:有同情心的,表示怜悯的

He’s compassionate and ready to help others. 他很有同情心,乐于助人。

2. routine(n)(a)常规的,例行公事

Asking these questions is routine work.问这些问题是例行公事。

routine report 例行报告


Wish you success in your undertaking. 祝愿你事业成功。


This is a kind of innovative design. 这是一种革新性的设计。


He is a man of great enterprise. 他是个很有进取心的人

They are determined to carry forward the enterprise. 他们决心把事业进行下去。


They are children with exceptional ability. 他们是具有非凡才能的孩子们。


Nudge: Improving Decisions about wealth and happiness


Richard Thaler and Cass Sunstein

Resisting Temptation


Many years ago, Thaler was hosting dinner for some guests (other then-young economists) and put out a large bowl of cashew nuts to nibble on with the first bottle of wine. Within a few minutes it became clear that the bowl of nuts was going to be consumed in its entirety, and that the guests might lack sufficient appetite to enjoy all the food that was to follow. Leaping into action, Thaler grabbed the bowl of nuts, and (while sneaking a few more nuts for himself) removed the bowl to the kitchen, where it was put out of sight, when he returned, the guests thanked him for removing the nuts. The conversation immediately turned to the theoretical question of how they could possibly be happy about the fact that there was no longer a bowl of nuts in front of them. (You can now see the wisdom of the rule of thumb mentioned in Chapter 1 about a cap on the proportion of economists among attendees at a dinner party.) In economics (and in ordinary life), a basic principle is that you can never be made worse off by having more options, because you can always turn them down. Before Thaler removed the nuts, the group had the choice of whether to eat the nuts or not – now they didn’t. In the land of Econs, it is against the law to be happy about this!

许多年前,塞勒为一些客人(当时其他年轻的经济学家) 举办晚宴,并拿出一大碗坚果与一瓶酒让大家吃喝。在几 分钟的时间就很明显的发现,那碗坚果被全部吃光了,这 些客人们可能没有足够的胃口来享用接下来的所有食物。 塞勒迅速的行动起来,抓起了那碗坚果,然后(他自己又 偷偷拿了几颗)把碗拿到厨房,放到看不见的地方。当他 回来时,客人们感谢他拿走了坚果。谈话立即转到理论上 的问题:他们怎么可能因为面前不再有一碗坚果而高兴呢 ?(你现在可以看到第一章中提到的关于经济学家在晚宴上 所占比例上限的经验之谈。)在经济学(以及日常生活)中, 一个基本原则是,拥有更多选择权从不会使情况变得更糟, 因为你总是可以拒绝它们。在塞勒取出坚果之前,这组人 可以选择是否吃坚果一一他们没有。在经济学的土地上, 对这事感到高兴是违规的!

To help us understand this example, consider how the preferences of the group seemed to evolve over time. At 7:15, just before Thaler removed the nuts, the dinner guests had three options: eat a few nuts; eat all the nuts; and eat no more nuts. Their first choice would be to eat just a few more nuts, followed by eating no more nuts. The worst option was finishing the bowl, since that would ruin dinner. But by 7:30, had the nuts remained on the table, the group would have finished the bowl, thereby reaching their least favorite option.

为了帮助我们理解这个例子,考虑一下这个群体的偏好是 如何随着时间的推移而演变的。7点15分,就在塞勒拿掉 坚果之前,晚餐的客人有三个选择:吃一些坚果;吃掉所 有的坚果;不要再吃坚果了。他们的第一选择是多吃一些 坚果,然后不吃坚果。最糟糕的选择是都吃完,因为这会 破坏晚餐的食欲。但到了 7:30,如果坚果还放在桌子上, 这组人就已经吃完了碗里的坚果,做出他们最不喜欢的选 择。

Why would the group change its mind in the space of just fifteen minutes? Or do we really want to say that the group has changed its mind? In the language of economics, the group is said to display behavior that is dynamically inconsistent. Initially people prefer A to B, but they later choose B over A. We can see dynamic inconsistency in many places. On Saturday morning people might say that they prefer exercising to watching television, but once the afternoon comes, they are on the couch at home watching the football game.

为什么这群人会在15分钟内改变主意呢?还是我们真的 在说这群人改变了主意吗?在经济学的语言中,这个群体 被认为表现出动态不一致的行为。一开始人们更喜欢A而 不是B,但后来他们选择了 B而不是Ao我们可以看到许 多地方存在动态不一致的情况。星期六早上,人们可能会 说他们更喜欢锻炼而不是看电视,但一到下午,他们就会 坐在家里的沙发上看足球赛。

How can such behavior be understood? Two factors must be introduced in order to understand the cashew phenomenon: temptation and mindlessness. Human beings have been aware of the concept of temptation at least since the time of Adam and Eve, but for purposes of understanding the value of nudges, that concept needs elaboration, what does it mean for something to be ‘tempting’?

怎样才能理解这种行为呢?为了理解坚果现象,必须引入 两个因素:诱惑和盲目。至少从亚当和夏娃时代起,人类 就已经知道了诱惑的概念,但为了理解“轻推”的价值, 这个概念需要进一步阐述,“诱人”是什么意思?

Sound track:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1hdN9BqLUNwhkTI044j8NnA 提取码:p16i


  1. Hosting dinner =举办晚餐


This Christmas will be busy for me as I am hosting dinner for my extended family.


I loved the spotlight; maybe one day I can be a TV host.


A host of musicians will perform at the festival. 许多音乐家将在音乐节上演出。

  1. Entirety =全部

Don’ t be narrow minded, we must evaluate the situation in its entirety.


We didn’ t leave the hotel throughout the entirety of the weekend.


  1. Leaping into action =采取行动

They leapt into action when the fire alarm sounded. 火警响起时,他们迅速地釆取了行动。

I am just waiting for the order before I can leap in to action.


  1. Rule of thumb =根据经验得出的一个比较粗略的估算方法

As a rule of thumb, a cup of filter coffee contains about 80mg of caffeine.


I don’ t like to use the rule of thumb, precise measures are more important to me.


  1. Land of (Econs)=经济学的土地

This is the land of dreams.


In this land of opportunities, do make the most out of it.


  1. In the space of 15 mins = 15 分钟之内



You are occupying way too much space. 你占用了太多空间。


One day, I want to explore space.



In the space of 15 mins.



Can you leave a space between the lines please. 你能在两行之间留一个空白吗?


This is a private space. 这是一个私人空间。

  1. Dynamic =动态/动力/充满活力

The business has managed to change and remain dynamic.


She’s hard working and dynamic; she will be a great addition to the team.


  1. Phenomenon =现象/不寻常的情况/非凡的人

With the recent economic downturn, unemployment has become a phenomenon.


This is an isolated phenomenon.


You are a phenomenon at the piano.


  1. Mindlessness =盲目

She reacted against the mindlessness and luxury of their lives


You can’ t approach life in such a mindlessness manner.


  1. Nudges =轻推/接近/哄劝

My grandad is nudging 90. 我爷爷都快90岁了。

I nudged him to be quiet.


Sometimes they just need a nudge in order to do the right thing.


G4-The Big Race

sound track:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1CQl5AR4htGXwqMFub-90XA 提取码: fk85
CHEN:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1QgCDWgp4YW6LL7pKtgNnwQ 提取码: c7jj

Word Bank:
1. Inquiry:( 调查、询问

They began an inquiry into the causes of the accident.  他们开始调查这个事故的原因


He had to conceal his identity to escape the police. 为了躲避警方,他只好隐瞒身份。

identity of interests is the bond that unites them 利益的一致是他们联合起来的纽带

3.thrilling(a) 惊险的,毛骨悚然的,令人激动的

I have never seen so thrilling a movie. 我从没看过这么惊险的电影。

What do you think is the most thrilling sport? 你认为何种运动最刺激?

4.accelerate:(v)加快 加速

accelerate abruptly 骤然加速

accelerate the pace 加快步调

5.gravity (n)重力、地心引力、严重性

We understand the gravity of the climate threat. 我们了解气候威胁的严重性。

Each graduate behaved with gravity. 每个毕业生都举止庄重。

The earth is round because of gravity. 地球是由于重力而形成球形的。


You should take advantage of your superiority. 你要利用你的优势。

She was at an advantage in arguments. 她在争论中占优势。

Age gave him the advantage. 年龄使他具有优势。


Oil can reduce friction. 润滑油能减少摩擦力

Matches are lighted by friction, 火柴由摩擦而生火

8.capability (n)能力、才能、性能

military capability 军事力量

He had no capability to deal with the matter. 他没有能力处理那件事


G3-A Natural Beauty

sound track:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1Rvx2vlktwtj3vfhqQtDwQg 提取码: 774m

Word Bank:
1. landmark:(n)(a) 地标,里程碑,有重大意义的

The Pisa Tower is the landmark of Pisa. 比萨斜塔是比萨城的标志性建筑.

a landmark decision that set a legal precedent 确立了法律判例的里程碑式的决定

2.carve (v)雕刻、切开

carve the chicken.切鸡肉

They carve the wood into a figure. 他们把木头雕刻成像


the massive walls of the castle 厚实坚固的城堡围墙

massive clear-up 大规模的整理清扫

4. trace:(n)(v) 痕迹、追踪

His fear of dogs can trace back to a childhood experience. 他对狗的恐惧可追溯到他孩提时代的一次经历。

trace a dear 追踪一头鹿

5.  clues (n)线索,提示

I need some clues to help me find the answer.我需要一些提示来帮我找到答案。

clues to the case 案子的一些线索

6. monument(n)纪念碑

The monument is in honor of a scientist. 那座纪念碑是为纪念一位科学家而建的。


G3-Great Invention



sound track:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1Fq8Drq_sURvldp-wi6TIzw 提取码: ies3

Word Bank:

1.windshield wiper : 雨刮器

2.sleet:(n) (v)雨夹雪

The sleet is lashing the roof.雨夹雪正打击着屋顶。

I have a hunch that it will sleet soon.我有快要下冰雹的预感。


There’s no substitute for parents.

I need someone to substitute for me at the meeting. 我需要有个人替我参加会议。

4.examine: (v)检验、审查、调查

The teacher will examine the students in English.老师要考察学生的英语。

to examine a patient. 诊察患者


The accident is under investigation.这个事故正在调查之中。

economic investigation 经济调查

6 . quality  (n)质量、素质、品质

Her quality is kindness. 她的品质是善良。

a watch of good quality 品质好的手表

7.encouraged(a) 被鼓励的;感到欢欣鼓舞的

I feel encouraged to be with you. 和你在一起使我感到欢欣鼓舞。